3 Books in 1: The History of Formula 1 Teams: McLaren - Renault - Red Bull (eBook)

3 Books in 1: The History of Formula 1 Teams: McLaren - Renault - Red Bull (eBook)

Charles Sanz
Charles Sanz
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Lingua: en
Editore: Charles Sanz
Codice EAN: 9798224795079
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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DO YOU WANT TO ENJOY THE HISTORY OF MCLAREN, RENAULT AND RED BULL IN FORMULA 1? In this compilation of 3 books in 1 you will be able to travel in time through the trajectory of three historic teams of the maximum motor racing competition, in a pleasant ride through time at the speed of a Formula 1. In The history of McLaren in Formula 1 to the rhythm of fast lap you will discover Bruce McLaren and the origin of his legendary team, the arrival to glory with Fittipaldi, the golden years of Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost and the subsequent decline with occasional successes such as those of Hakkinen and Hamilton. In The history of Renault in Formula 1 to the rhythm of fast lap you will know the story of overcoming the "yellow kettle" of Jean-Pierre Jabouille, the first single-seater with turbo, the glorious stage of the French constructor in its association with the Williams of Hill and Mansell or the triumph of Benettón-Renault with Schumacher, until the arrival of Fernando Alonso and the greatest stage of success. And in The History of Red Bull in Formula 1 to the rhythm of fast lap you will enjoy the stage of Sauber's sponsorship of energy drinks, the origin of Red Bull Racing and Toro Rosso, and the arrival of Adrian Newey to achieve a successful stage with Sebastian Vettel. In this book you will find: - The life and career of Bruce McLaren, founder of the McLaren team. - The arrival of Emerson Fittipaldi and the first success of the McLaren team. - James Hunt and his personal rivalry with Niki Lauda - The glory years and the extreme rivalry between Prost and Ayrton Senna inside and outside the team - The tough battle against the Williams hegemony - The McLaren-Mercedes era - The arrival of Lewis Hamilton, McLaren's protégé - The origin of Renault in Formula 1 and the introduction of turbocharging in the race - The first disastrous years of Jean-Pierre Jabouille's "yellow kettle". - The arrival of Alain Prost and his influence on the team's evolution - The glory of Williams-Renault through Mansell and Hill and the Benettón-Renault with Michael Schumacher - The golden era and the glory with Fernando Alonso - The partnership with Lotus and subsequent sale of the team - The buy-back of Lotus and the comeback in the hybrid era - Red Bull as a sponsor: its long history with the Sauber team and its failure at Arrows - The drivers who drove the Red Bull-sponsored Sauber: Wendlinger, Boullion, Herbert, Larini, Morbidelli, Alesi, Diniz, Salo, Heidfeld, Massa, Fisichella... - Kimi Räikkönen's Formula 1 debut with Red Bull Sauber. - The purchase of Jaguar Ford to create Red Bull and the purchase of Minardi to create Toro Rosso... - The arrival of Adrian Newey, one of the greatest engineers in racing history - Sebastian Vettel's era of glory: Toro Rosso's first victory at Monza and Red Bull's in China - The arrival of the hybrid era and the fight against Mercedes - Max Verstappen and the exciting 2021 season, the most evenly matched in history All this and much more to understand the technical and historical evolution of three of the leading teams in the championship!