Coco Chanel: A Complete Life from Beginning to the End (eBook)

Coco Chanel: A Complete Life from Beginning to the End (eBook)

History Hub
History Hub
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Ched Ed
Codice EAN: 9798224754939
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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History Hub presents a complete biography of Coco Chanel from start to end, whose remarkable story inspires us even today. Like any great legend, the history of fashion designer Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, also known as "Coco Chanel," is marked by poverty, abandonment, love, genius, and fame, unveiling what lies beneath the glossy surface of a mythic fashion icon. Chanel's life story begins with an abandoned child, as lost as a girl in a dark fairy tale. Unveiling remarkable new details about Chanel's early years in a convent orphanage and her flight into unconventional adulthood, all these struggles didn't stop her from creating the essential fashion house in history. Chanel was a visionary. She is famous for her timeless and classic designs, trademark suits, and little black dresses. She managed to interpret the oppression that women felt in time, and she was there when the crazy 1920s exploded. She created the most crucial fashion house in history. The House of Chanel stands at 31 Rue Cambon, a shrine to its dead creator, yet also a living, thriving temple of twenty-first-century fashion, the destination for pilgrims who travel here from all around the world. Coco Chanel may be dead, but her legacy lives on. Discover in this short yet concise biography the remarkable story of a life who impacted future generations. This book also contains 30 questions for an in-depth discussion into the life of Coco Chanel. Gather tasteful nuggets from major turn of events: A background into the family of upbringing Education, mentors, and surroundings that shaped the worldview Major hurdles faced in life and obstacles overcome The person behind the fame seen through intimate moments With the help of this concise biography, readers can focus on the timeline of important events for an overview of a life in a glance! Packed with interesting tidbits and trivia, this book will guide readers into a basic introduction a remarkable life whose story may have lasting effects. History lovers will love this book as it helps them to: Learn from the major turn of events and its lessons Grasp an overview of a complete life Understand the context related to the backdrop of world situation and events Decide whether continued learning is desired Connect with the person behind the fame through intimate moments shared Bonus Included for You included in every book Our small way of saying "Thank You."