Kashmir Stories Boxset: You Can't Kill My Love, Still Missing, and When You Can't Trust Love (eBook)

Kashmir Stories Boxset: You Can't Kill My Love, Still Missing, and When You Can't Trust Love (eBook)

Prasenjeet Kumar
Prasenjeet Kumar
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Publish With Prasen
Codice EAN: 9798224481484
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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Kashmir Stories Boxset: Three gripping, fast-paced novels set in Kashmir You Can't Kill My Love: A Kashmir Holocaust Love Story This is a tender coming-of-age love story of two Kashmiri Pandits, whose lives are torn asunder by Islamist terrorists. Meet Reshma and Sanjay, who grow up in Kashmir, and consider the beautiful valley their only home in the entire world. Till the early 1990s. When terrorists for no rhyme or reason make them lose everything. Their lovely homes in Srinagar, their relatives, their friends… and themselves. Forcing them to live in exile, in penury, and worse—without the comfort of each other. Can Sanjay stand up to radical Islam and win? Can Reshma heal herself and re-connect with her love ever? Share the pain and sufferings of the two lovers as they pick up the shattered pieces of their lives bit-by-bit with grit, determination and just pure love in their hearts. "You Can't Kill My Love" is a story of passionate love and enduring bravery in a world where innocents think they stand no chance against indoctrinated terrorists. But they could just be so wrong! Still Missing... A gripping tale of love, terror, and the indefatigable human spirit that starts out to rescue love but ends up saving the nation…. Major Akhil Thapar's life turns upside down when he steps on a land mine while battling terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir. With his left leg gone, he has to adjust to a new reality. That he is crippled. That his career in the army is over. That he will now be wedded to his wheel chair. Forever. Till one fine morning when he meets Amrita Arora, a witty, smart, and intrepid conflict-zone TV journalist, in the hospital where he is recuperating. They fall in love when Akhil discovers a secret about Amrita. A secret that connects the two of them. But everything is thrown off balance when Amrita goes missing. It falls on Major Akhil Thapar alone to rescue his love. Little does he know that in his resolve to save Amrita, he would embark on a dangerous roller-coaster mission to save his country. When You Can't Trust Love A Romance novel that challenges the very concept of love. People say love and logic don't go together… that love is blind… that sometimes we should trust our hearts more than our mind. That's what Simi Chatwal and Vikram Sethi, best friends in college, once believed in. In love at first sight, in relationships that last till eternity.... Then Simi meets Shail Singh, who seems to have everything she is looking for—sophistication, charm, generosity, and a perfect job as an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer. Indeed, her Prince Charming. At the same time, Vikram falls for Veena, the most fashionably turned out girl in college, who also happens to share his entrepreneurial dreams. Both perfectly natural choices spark off a chain of events that leave Simi and Vikram bewildered and fighting for their lives. Literally. Fast paced like a thriller and electrifying in intensity like a romance novel "When You Can't Trust Love" will keep you at the edge of the seat and shake you to the core when you finish reading it. Always posing the question—should love be blind to reason?