Olive Oatman: A Complete Life from Beginning to the End (eBook)

Olive Oatman: A Complete Life from Beginning to the End (eBook)

History Hub
History Hub
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Lingua: en
Editore: Ched Ed
Codice EAN: 9798224474929
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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History Hub presents a complete biography of Olive Oatman from start to end, whose remarkable story inspires us even today. Olive Ann Oatman was born on September 7, 1837, in La Harpe, Illinois. She is the daughter of Royce and Mary Ann Oatman and was naturally introduced to the Mormon religion. When she was 14 years of age, they joined a cart train led by James Brewster, an individual from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Because of contradictions between the groups, they split close to Santa Fe, province of New Mexico. At the point when the gathering showed up in Maricopa Wells, Arizona, they understood that proceeding with the trip would be hazardous and unfruitful. A few families chose to remain aside from the Oatman family, who boldly moved with their journey alone. Much to their dismay, this trip would be their last since Native Americans slaughtered the entirety of the family close to the Gila River banks. The Yavapai clan abducted the Oatman sisters and regarded them as slaves in a town close to Congress, Arizona. After a year, the Mojave clan turned into their hero after the Yavapai clan exchanged the Oatman kin for horses, blankets, and trinkets. In contrast to the Yavapai clan, the Mojave clan treated the sisters similarly and as though they are part of the family. The tribe welcomed them by inking their jawlines, a piece of their custom. Unfortunately, her sister died because of starvation when an outrageous dry spell occurred in Mojave town from 1855 to 1856. Later on, Olive found that Lorenzo, her sibling, endured the slaughter and searched for her and her sister, Mary Ann. The get-together of the two siblings made the feature over the West. Royal B. Stratton wrote a book about Olive and Mary Ann, which sold 30,000 copies and turned into one of the bestsellers during that time. Oatman continued carrying on with an ordinary life and got married to John B. Fairchild, a cattleman, in November 1865. They began the new chapter of their lives in Sherman, Texas, and adopted a young infant lady named Mamie. At 65 years old, Olive Oatman Fairchild passed away due to cardiovascular disease on March 21, 1903. Her remains lie at the West Hill Cemetery in Sherman, Texas. Discover in this short yet concise biography the remarkable story of a life who impacted future generations. This book also contains 30 questions for an in-depth discussion into the life of Olive Oatman. Gather tasteful nuggets from major turn of events: A background into the family of upbringing Education, mentors, and surroundings that shaped the worldview Major hurdles faced in life and obstacles overcome The person behind the fame seen through intimate moments With the help of this concise biography, readers can focus on the timeline of important events for an overview of a life in a glance! Packed with interesting tidbits and trivia, this book will guide readers into a basic introduction a remarkable life whose story may have lasting effects. History lovers will love this book as it helps them to: Learn from the major turn of events and its lessons Grasp an overview of a complete life Understand the context related to the backdrop of world situation and events Decide whether continued learning is desired Connect with the person behind the fame through intimate moments shared Bonus Included for You included in every book Our small way of saying "Thank You."