Ronald Reagan: A Full Biography From Beginning to End of Greatest Lives Among Us (eBook)

Ronald Reagan: A Full Biography From Beginning to End of Greatest Lives Among Us (eBook)

History Hub
History Hub
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Ched Ed
Codice EAN: 9798224423774
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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History Hub presents a complete biography of Ronald Reagan from start to end, whose remarkable story inspires us even today. In a small community in Tampico, Illinois, Ronald Wilson Reagan was born to John "Jack" Reagan and Nelle Wilson Reagan on February 6, 1911. Reagan was of primarily Irish descent. His father was an Irish-American shoe salesman, and his mother was of Scottish-Irish descent. Reagan used the name "Dutch" throughout his childhood since he did not like his given name. According to some, his father said that Ronald Reagan appeared as a "fat little Dutchman" when he was born. He especially adored football and was regarded for his spirit and hard-working attitude even though Reagan was not the best player. In the spring of 1937, while in Southern California to cover the training season of the Chicago Cubs, Ronald Reagan did a screen test for the Warner Brothers film studio. The studio signed him to an agreement, and that same year he made his movie debut as a radio journalist in "Love is On the Air." Throughout the following thirty years, he showed up in more than 50 motion pictures. Reagan ventured into the public political spotlight when he gave a welcomed televised discourse for Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater, a popular conservative. In his first race in politics, Reagan won against the Democratic candidate Edmund "Pat" Brown Sr. by nearly 1 million votes for California's governorship. Reagan was reappointed to a second term in 1970. At the age of 69, he was the oldest individual to become the United States president. On March 30, 1981, two months after his inauguration, Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt by John Hinckley Jr., who was said to be with a history of mental issues, outside a hotel in Washington, D.C. Ronald Reagan and his significant other came back to Los Angeles, California, after leaving the White House in January 1989. In November 1994, Reagan told in a handwritten letter to the American individuals that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Almost ten years later, on June 5, 2004, he died at his home in Los Angeles at 93 years old. Discover in this short yet concise biography the remarkable story of a life who impacted future generations. This book also contains 30 questions for an in-depth discussion into the life of Ronald Reagan. Gather tasteful nuggets from major turn of events: A background into the family of upbringing Education, mentors, and surroundings that shaped the worldview Major hurdles faced in life and obstacles overcome The person behind the fame seen through intimate moments With the help of this concise biography, readers can focus on the timeline of important events for an overview of a life in a glance! Packed with interesting tidbits and trivia, this book will guide readers into a basic introduction a remarkable life whose story may have lasting effects. History lovers will love this book as it helps them to: Learn from the major turn of events and its lessons Grasp an overview of a complete life Understand the context related to the backdrop of world situation and events Decide whether continued learning is desired Connect with the person behind the fame through intimate moments shared Bonus Included for You included in every book Our small way of saying "Thank You."