Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew (eBook)

Silver Spoon MC Collection: Nichole's Crew (eBook)

Nichole Rose
Nichole Rose
€ 9,49
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€ 9,49
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Nichole Rose
Codice EAN: 9798224274253
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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Get ready to take a wild ride to Silver Spoon Falls, the small town where passion runs hot, love runs deep, and brotherhood is forever. For the first time, fall in love with all five of Nichole's MC brothers in a single collection as they sip the waters and find forever in the bestselling Silver Spoon MC series. This collection includes all five previously published books plus never-before-seen content featuring each couple! The Surgeon (Tate and Samara) - An MC murdered her sister. To save her niece, this curvy girl's only choice is to place her trust and heart in the hands of another. Lucky for her, pediatric surgeon Tate Grimes and his MC are nothing like the MCs she knows. When Tate sets out to win her heart, he'll change her entire life…if she's brave enough to let him. Can he teach this curvy girl what the brotherhood is really about? The Heir (Andreas and Catriona) - Falling for his enemy's curvy little sister wasn't part of this billionaire biker's plan…Billionaire biker Andreas Romano is used to cleaning up messes. Like the outlaw MC his father hired to hide his illegal business practices. But he never expected to fall for their VP's curvy little sister. Good thing he's never been one to run from a fight. Because this feisty little angel belongs to him now. The Lawyer (Jude and Devin) - Something about this grumpy lawyer fits this sunshiny runaway just right... When Devin Arakas climbed through Jude Despora's window, she didn't intend to get caught. Or claimed. But this grumpy, obsessed lawyer has spent eight months dreaming about this curvy little ball of sunshine, and he's not letting her go now. The Prodigy (Finn and Scarlett) - Super-hot spy meets super-hot mess in this hilarious and extra spicy romantic comedy. This laid-back MC brother enters Beast mode when he meets the curvy new bookstore clerk in this small-town MC romance. To win her heart, he'll pull out every dirty trick in her favorite books. But when an unexpected plot twist puts her at risk, he'll go the distance to protect the woman of his dreams. The Bodyguard (Cormac and Bella) - Even giants fall…and the last brother standing will fall like a ton of bricks when he meets the feisty curvy girl meant to complete him. This wild, bossy brother has been searching for his soulmate his entire life. But he never expected the fiery little goddess who lands on his doorstep in need of his protection. She sets his soul on fire and settles it at the same time. But can he convince her that everything she's searching for is right here in his arms?