The Last Romans: A Brief History of the Byzantine Empire (eBook)

The Last Romans: A Brief History of the Byzantine Empire (eBook)

Anthony Holland
Anthony Holland
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Lingua: en
Editore: Anthony Holland
Codice EAN: 9798224144471
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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Dive into the captivating world of "The Last Romans: A Brief History of the Byzantine Empire," where the echoes of ancient Rome blend seamlessly with the dawn of the modern world. This enthralling book invites readers on a journey through the corridors of history to explore an empire that stood resiliently at the crossroads of civilizations for over a thousand years. "The Last Romans" presents a distilled narrative that captures the essence of Byzantine history—from its inception in 330 AD, when Constantine the Great christened Constantinople as the new capital of the Roman Empire, to its dramatic fall in 1453 to the Ottomans. This book deftly navigates through the complex political intrigues, vibrant cultural flourishes, and profound religious debates that defined the Byzantine Empire. Through vivid prose, the author brings to life emperors and peasants, saints and sinners, and scholars and soldiers who shaped this fascinating empire. Crafted with both the history enthusiast and the casual reader in mind, "The Last Romans" offers a comprehensive yet accessible exploration of Byzantine achievements in art, culture, and governance, while also delving into the strategic military maneuvers and diplomatic ties that kept the empire thriving amidst constant external and internal pressures. The narrative is enriched with insights into how Byzantium's enduring legacy influenced the Renaissance and shaped the contours of modern Europe and the Near East. "The Last Romans: A Brief History of the Byzantine Empire" is not just a history book; it's a timeless story of resilience and adaptability, power and faith, which continues to resonate today. Perfect for those who cherish the stories of empires and epochs past, this book promises to be a treasured addition to any history lover's collection. Step into the pages of "The Last Romans" and rediscover an empire that was as glorious in its life as it has been influential in its legacy.