Controversial Science: Controversial Experiments That Changed the World (eBook)

Controversial Science: Controversial Experiments That Changed the World (eBook)

Eric Story
Eric Story
€ 6,49
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€ 6,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Sitting Chair Books
Codice EAN: 9798223641810
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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In "Controversial Science: Controversial Experiments That Changed the World", Eric Story takes readers on a captivating journey through the history of scientific and medical breakthroughs that ignited fierce debates and forever altered the course of research practices. As part of the thought-provoking series "The Ethical Dilemma", this eye-opening book delves into the complex relationship between scientific controversies, ethical dilemmas in research, and the lasting impact of these contentious studies on society. From the inception of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test to the notorious Rosenhan Experiment, Story unveils the fascinating stories behind the most controversial experiments in history. "Controversial Science" examines the role of societal norms and values in defining the boundaries of scientific exploration while shedding light on the evolution of ethical guidelines and regulations over time. Throughout the book, readers will see the societal response to these groundbreaking studies, exploring the interplay between public opinion, ethics, and research practices. Story also investigates the role of media in shaping perceptions of controversy, and the influence of cultural and historical context on our understanding of these scientific advancements. With case studies that span diverse fields, such as the Drosophila eye color experiments, the Bobo doll experiment, and the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, "Controversial Science" offers a unique and comprehensive look at the moral dilemmas in medicine, psychology, and other scientific disciplines. By examining the human experimentation, scientific breakthroughs, and medical research controversies that have shaped our world, Story encourages readers to reflect on the delicate balance between ethics, controversy, and scientific advancement. As researchers continue to navigate the complex landscape of scientific and medical research, "Controversial Science" serves as a timely reminder of the moral responsibility of researchers, the potential benefits and risks of controversial research, and the need for ongoing discourse on the boundaries of scientific and medical exploration. With engaging narratives and meticulous research, Eric Story's "ControversialScience: Controversial Experiments That Changed the World" is an essential read for anyone interested in the history of scientific research, the ethical challenges in science, and the extraordinary experiments that have shaped our understanding of the world.