Blood Relationship (eBook)

Blood Relationship (eBook)

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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Béatrice LAURENCE
Codice EAN: 9798223374527
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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In the grim darkness of the night, Sofia helplessly witnesses the ultimate horror: the atrocious slaughter of her own family, bleeding and screaming under the merciless blows of the ruthless murderers. Their blank stares, frozen in agony, haunt her, and the taste of blood smeared on her lips never fades. Evil in its most brutal form has descended upon his home, devouring all hope and leaving only a shattered existence. But death does not just feast on the ruins of its life. She chases after her, whispering her name in the shadows, in every dark corner where she hides. Sofia wanders through a world of specters and nightmares, struggling with her own inner demons that threaten to devour her whole. However, implacable destiny catches up with her, cruel and merciless. The mafia, this evil brood that stole her family, hunts her down, like a wild beast with sharp claws. Forced to marry one of the costumed monsters, she finds herself trapped in a web woven with threads of betrayal and terror. The stifling walls of his new home become his prison, where the air reeks of treachery and the whispers of conspiracies mingle with the erratic beating of his heart. But in this endless nightmare, a burst of light emerges from the darkness. Dmitry, her new husband, conceals a mysterious facet. His eyes hide a secret, a glimmer of hope or a new threat? Sofia struggles between dread and fascination, wondering if Dmitry is a fallen angel or the last bulwark against the chaos around him. Suspense seizes their intertwined lives. Violence surges, the tangle of betrayals tightens, and Sofia and Dmitry engage in a deadly dance where love and survival merge. The lines between allies and enemies are blurred, while the shadow of death hangs over them, ready to snatch them at any moment. In this terrifying battle against the dark, Sofia must confront the demons of her past, navigate her way through the macabre Mafia maze and uncover the truth before she is consumed by the flames of chaos. The suspense thickens, the angst intensifies, and Sofia is faced with an impossible choice: give in to despair or fight back with the rage of a wounded beast. The truth is near, but at what cost? Only the bloody end will reveal the dark secrets and seal the fate of the tormented souls who struggle in the endless abyss of night.