Abecedary Of Prayer (eBook)

Abecedary Of Prayer (eBook)

Gery Malanda
Gery Malanda
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Hopfan
Codice EAN: 9798201940942
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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The reason for this study is to refresh our knowledge concerning the bases or foundations of prayer. Prayer cannot be taught, but at the same time must be taught. Our mind-sets must be changed or renewed when it comes to prayer. It is just a conversation that one has with his Heavenly Father, with his elder brother Jesus and with his Helper the Holy Spirit. It is a time of communion or fellowship with the Godhead. The fellowship that we have with the Godhead, we want everybody to have; it is not peculiar to a few but available to all (1John 1:3). Abecedary is what is formed by the letters of the alphabet, or the A, B, C of anything, like we have the A,B,C of cooking, of driving, or football, of rugby, of swimming, it simply means the foundation blocks upon which something is built. If we for instance talk about the Abecedary of numeracy, we have our ten digits from zero to nine, with those ten digits we can form any number in the world, we have the addition, the multiplication, division and subtraction and with those operators we can make any calculus. If we take the abecedary of literacy, we have our twenty-six letters of the alphabet and with those consonants and vowels, we can create any word, verb and adjective and form a sentence to communicate any thought. Just like we needed to be taught the foundation blocks of numeracy and literacy, so that we will be able to relate with the world around us and be independent, not needing anybody to talk for us because we cannot express our thoughts, or to do the shopping and sign contracts for us, because we cannot count or do simple arithmetic operations. Likewise we also need to be taught the foundation blocks of prayer, so that we will be able to relate with our Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit without any intermediary or middleman.