Crypto Master: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Cryptocurrency Trading And Investing (eBook)

Crypto Master: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide To Cryptocurrency Trading And Investing (eBook)

Frank Miller
Frank Miller
€ 9,49
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€ 9,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: The Driven Trader
Codice EAN: 9798201899554
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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Want to equip yourself with super-powerful trading techniques and mindsets to help you achieve consistent profits in one of the most promising yet volatile markets? Then you need to keep reading… You are about to enter the cryptocurrency market, or you have been trading/investing in this market for a while without establishing a solid trading system as well as the right mindset to thrive in the market! You feel the market seems to go against your expectations most of the time, and you could do nothing but HOPE for the price to reverse ONE DAY. Instead of growing your account 2x, 3x, or more as you dreamed about, you are continuously finding ways to get back what you used to have. Don't worry, it's NEVER too late to change things. Trading and investing, to be honest, are not for everyone. However, it would become much easier once you know the necessary knowledge, tools, and techniques to keep your trading in control and make consistent profits. Being successful in the cryptocurrency market entails huge perseverance and constant optimization of your trading/investing techniques. Above all, it's how well you understand the market that matters. Luckily, you can do that, with tons of valued information I have summarized throughout my crypto journey. You won't have to worry about sleepless nights or stressful losses. In Crypto Master, you'll discover: Secrets behind the development of cryptocurrencies and what we learn from them. Details on how to equip yourself with necessary arsenals before jumping into the battlefield. Step-by-step guidance with specific illustrations on trade execution in one of the biggest crypto exchanges in the world. Secrets on choosing the best crypto without having to rely on any gurus out there. Two trading philosophies that would surely differentiate you from every loser in this endeavor. Three value trading ingredients that best tell you what the market wants to say. Four super-powerful strategies with dozens of clearly illustrated trading examples. How to optimize your trading results even more with excellent technical indicators. What is the art of the whales and what can you learn from this? What is even more important than the trading/investing strategies? and much more… Most people fail in trading as a result of the lack of trading basics, mediocre trading system, and inappropriate mindset. But I have organized the book from the basic elements in trading/investing, coupled with dozens of examples, both illustration charts and hypothetical ones so that you can easily grasp what I convey, even if you have little to no experience in the financial market. Even if you've never taken part in cryptocurrency trading, you can reap handsome profits by consistently applying all the secrets I reveal inside. So, if you want to become the next scare success story, then click the "Buy" button now.