Wicca Crystal Magic 2020 (eBook)

Wicca Crystal Magic 2020 (eBook)

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€ 3,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Stone Angel & Son Ltd
Codice EAN: 9798201715441
Anno pubblicazione: 2021
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"Magical Crystals are beautiful creatures, and so are you. The two of you working together will create beautiful and enchanted things." Aspiring to become a Great Crystal Wiccan, but you don't know where and how to start? Or you only want magical crystals to help you in your everyday life? Wanting to learn more about Crystal Power? Then, this WICCA CRYSTAL MAGIC 2020 is the ultimate guide for you to practice crystal witchcraft and enhance your crystal power! Crystals have a long and colorful history. They have long been used for their power and healing properties, which isn't going to stop any time soon. Crystals can help you do just about anything, as long as you use them properly. You have a world of power right at your fingers tips when it comes to crystal. Have complete faith in using them the correct way and reap all those crystals have to offer. For beginners, the best way to start is by clicking BUY NOW and have the power of this full guide in your hand. Spend time with it. Read at its best until you master the art in Crystal Magic. You can access the following enchanting subjects that will give you the whole and useful guides in crystal witchcraft: History of the Crystals and Minerals Where to Find a Crystal that You Need? Why Use a Magic Crystal to Change Your Life? Various Crystals for Wiccan Practice Magical Crystal Spells …And much more crystal-clear magical topics only for you! As you grow in your practice of magic, you will undoubtedly discover new types of magical workings involving crystals and stones, both on your own and with the help of other resources. While listening to your intuition is essential when learning any magic, it's also especially important to listen to your crystals and stones, as they will often seek to guide you on your path to spiritual wisdom. Crystals are living creations from deep inside the Earth, so always respect their energy and power, and take good care of them! Please continue to hold them, meditate with them, and treasure them for as long as they remain with you. The spells included in this guide are ideal for a beginner: they'll help you gain confidence working with crystals, so you can start your journey and begin experimenting with your spells. It can take time to see results with magic but this is no different from any other skill you learn. Magic is dependent on your intention, so if you believe deep down the spell won't work, you're putting conflicting messages out there into the universe. If you aren't experiencing the results you were hoping for, ask yourself if you genuinely believe your magic will work. Now, go out and find yourself some beautiful crystals. Surround yourself with their power and beauty and notice how your life begins to change. Use them in your magic and see how your practice begins to change. Be a proud witch, and wear your crystals with pride. When your spell work comes from the right place, you'll see only good results the results that can have a genuinely positive impact on your life.