Saving Grace: Children of the Bride Series (eBook)

Saving Grace: Children of the Bride Series (eBook)

Lee Wardlow
Lee Wardlow
€ 2,49
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€ 2,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Lee Wardlow
Codice EAN: 9798201668372
Anno pubblicazione: 2021
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Saving Grace The Children of the Brides Series (7 Brides for 7 Brothers – 2nd Generation) Book 5 Grace is the daughter of Coll and Freya Steward. Their firstborn daughter. He delivered her in the parking lot of the local drugstore. Wrapped her in his sweatshirt until help came to them. He probably had a soft spot for her although Grace thought his favorite was his redhaired daughter Lola. She thought Charity was her mother's favorite, not her. She was no one's favorite child. Grace was the good girl. Studious. Straight-A. Nurse in the pediatric ward of a downtown hospital. She was doing what she had always wanted to do. She was the golden child of Coll and Freya Steward according to her sisters. She was about to break Griffin Canter's heart. She thought when she left the church the day of her wedding without marrying him that she was just postponing things not cutting Griffin off permanently. She wasn't exactly thinking straight that day. She needed time. She had been with Griffin since she was fifteen years old. She had been feeling like the walls were closing in on her. She thought losing her patient had led to the depression that was causing her to pull away from him after nine years of togetherness. After the week that was to be her honeymoon, Cheyanne, her cousin forced her out of bed. They were going to Baird's. Cheyanne wanted her to try and have fun. It was time to pick herself up and pull up her granny panties as their Grams would say. She ran into Griffin at the pub. Then she was groped by a guy on the dance floor. She just wanted to escape that miserable night. Her cousin Nicu found her alone at the elementary school playground. Asleep on the merry-go-round. Her parents, Cheyanne, Griffin were all worried about her. That night, he told her he wasn't sure he could trust her again and walked out of her bedroom. Was Grace trying to hold onto something no one was sure she should? At Baird's she met Rob Martin, a doctor opening a new practice in Pointe Royal. After spending the better part of the evening with him talking. Enjoying herself for the first time in weeks. She wonders if it is time to move on. Griffin is keeping her at arm's length still. She's beginning to see that life without Griffin would be okay. Grace wants to see what she can be as Grace Steward, not Griffin Canter's girlfriend or fiancé. As Grace and Rob grow closer, she tries to keep him in the friend zone until she sees just how things are going to end or not with Griffin. Her sister Charity and Griffin have a secret though. Sides will have to be chosen. Their family will be torn apart. Not even the sisters finding forgiveness with each other will mend the brokenness of Coll and Freya Steward's family. Grace holds onto the fact that she has the Martins, the Murdochs and the Moore's, besides the rest of the Steward family who will be her saving grace during this tumultuous time. Mildly sexual situations. Mild cursing. 17 and up can read this novel.