Summary of Tony Robbins'book: Awaken the Giant Within (eBook)

Summary of Tony Robbins'book: Awaken the Giant Within (eBook)

15 Minutes Read
15 Minutes Read
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: 15MIN LTD
Codice EAN: 9798201426729
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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It is not the circumstances but one's own decisions that determine one's destiny. Every person is born with the ability to be happy and can live their dreams. There is no reason to envy others who live the life you dream of. Everyone can take their life and therefore their success into their own hands. You just have to decide to do it. Unfortunately, only a few people achieve in life what they really want. The reason is that most people fail to focus their attention on a specific point and focus their power. Instead, they scatter themselves with all the many little things and then fail in life. They have not the slightest idea of the gigantic capacity they could develop instantly if they focused all their resources on controlling just one aspect of their lives. The controlled way of life acts like a laser beam capable of cutting everything in its path. Harness the unlimited power that lies within you and awaken the giant that rests within you! The book "Awaken the Giant Within" is a guidebook from the field of personal development, in which the motivation and success coach Tony Robbins shows how you can program yourself for success, initiate appropriate psychological changes, throw constricting belief patterns overboard and put the individual steps into practice to achieve your own goals and expectations. For this purpose, he presents methods from the field of personality development and especially the Neuroassociative Conditioning (NAK), a further development of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), which he developed. While most people assume that changing their habits takes a very long time, the NAC enables a very fast change process. This summary focuses the key messages, main ideas, viewpoints and arguments from the book "Awaken the Giant Within" by author Anthony Robbins. You will learn how to break bad habits how to make the right decisions how to ask the right questions that will move you forward in life; how to make a difference not only in your own life, but in the lives of others; how to stand by your decisions to turn your dreams into reality; how to be happy when you choose to be.