Two For Joy (eBook)

Two For Joy (eBook)

Sarah A. Denzil
Sarah A. Denzil
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Sarah Dalton
Codice EAN: 9798201121549
Anno pubblicazione: 2021
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The electrifying sequel to One For Sorrow, by the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Silent Child. Leah Smith has a new name, a new job and a new home. The sleepy seaside town, Clifton-on-Sea, is a refreshing change from the gloomy moors of Yorkshire. She couldn't be farther away from her serial killer stalker. Or so she thinks... A new name isn't enough to make her forget her past. Leah must come to terms with the events that occurred at Crowmont Hospital, especially when police discover the mutilated body of a young woman. Leah and Tom struggle with the consequences of their actions on the moors, and how they may have led to murder. While a serial killer is on the loose, Leah throws herself into solving a different puzzle. She meets George, an elderly local man who suffered a heart-breaking childhood. In 1944, when George was just ten years old, his mother perished in a fire at the family home. His sister, Abigail, went missing during the fire, presumed dead. Abigail's body was never recovered from the ashes. Twenty years later, George received a photograph of a young woman bearing a striking resemblance to his sister Abigail. Perhaps she didn't die after all. George is not a well man and time is running out to uncover what happened to little Abigail. Leah is drawn into the mystery, keen for any distraction from her own troubles. With assistance from George's grandson, Mark, she vows to help. But even as she immerses herself in George's tragic past, she can never escape the one name that haunts her nightmares, Isabel Fielding... Praise for book one, One For Sorrow: "One for Sorrow will take you down the darkest of paths...into the labyrinth of the human mind...A mind unsettled, twisted...broken... All the chills..." - Amazon customer "Surprising, unexpected, scary, interesting, shocking. Fantastic read!" - Amazon customer "A truly good book. I didn't guess anything that happened. I don't want to give the story away. You just have to read it. I couldn't put it down." - Amazon customer