Flirting with women (eBook)

Flirting with women (eBook)

Natalia Zimmerman
Natalia Zimmerman
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: it
Editore: youcanprint
Codice EAN: 9791220383691
Anno pubblicazione: 2021
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192 p.

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Was your first flirting experience a complete flop? Have you seen a girl that you admire and want to get to know her but haven't the slightest idea where to start or how to go about it? Are you nervous at the thought of approaching her despite getting yourself all psyched up only for all the words and body language you had prepared to disappear whenever you are around her? And are you looking for a guide that will hold you by the hand while teaching you the art of flirting with women like the real Casanova? If you've answered YES, keep reading… You Are About To Enter Into A New Level Of Self Discovery That Will Give You A Leap To Your Next Date By Teaching You The Art O Flirting To Enable You Get Any Girl You Want Without Acting Or Being Awkward! By virtue that you are here, it is clear you've had enough of ruining your chances with beautiful women because of your fear, lameness and awkwardness. You are tired of seeing other men land the most beautiful women around you and want that to change, at least so that you enter the league of men that can get any woman they want by flirting your way to a date! Perhaps you are looking for answers to all the questions going through your mind, including… Why do I freeze around the lady I have been eyeing – why does my mind go blank? Why do I fail whenever I try to flirt with the women I gather the courage to speak with? How do I overcome my fear of rejection? How do I master the flirting game to a point where I can do it everywhere and with anyone, without feeling awkward? What techniques can I use to bring my A-game in flirting? If you have these and other related questions, this book is for you so keep reading. In it, you will learn: What flirting really is and whether what you've been doing really qualifies as flirting Why you have failed at least once when trying to get a girl's attention The connection between your self-confidence and a higher success rate at flirting How to master your body language to bring your best while flirting How to understand what women want so that you use it to your advantage while flirting with any woman How your tone of voice and your verbal cues can make or break your flirting game and how to do it like the pros The DO's and DON'Ts you should observe while flirting Powerful flirting techniques for the shy guy How to develop a deep conversation with your girl without getting all worked up How to easily create fun and flirty vibes and build magnetic attraction that will get any girl giggling, without coming off as a jerk And much more Yes, even if you consider yourself awkward and not as confident and outgoing as some men out there, this book will help you master the game in your own way to approach any girl you've been eyeing and effectively get a date! Scroll up and click Buy Now With 1-Click or Buy Now to get started!