The Complete Novels of Brontë Sisters (eBook)

The Complete Novels of Brontë Sisters (eBook)

Brontë Anne Bronte Emily Bronte Charlotte 
Brontë Anne Bronte Emily Bronte Charlotte 
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Musaicum Books
Codice EAN: 9788075833983
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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The Complete Novels of Brontë Sisters encapsulates the profound literary achievements of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë, each a titan in the Victorian literary landscape. The anthology encompasses a remarkable range of narrative styles and thematic ambitions, from the dark, introspective moors of 'Wuthering Heights' to the passionate and resilient governess in 'Jane Eyre'. These novels collectively examine themes of independence, moral and social scrutiny, gender juxtaposition, and the haunting beauty of the human spirit, all rendered in richly textured prose that both challenges and captivates readers. The Brontë sisters, hailing from the remote Yorkshire moors, emerged as literary figures during a period bristling with social change and innovations in the novel. Despite their secluded lives, their works mirrored the wider world's complexities and the position of women within it, pushing the boundaries of what was expected from female authors. Their writings participate in the larger currents of Romanticism and early realism, offering key insights into the evolving sensibilities of the era and highlighting a sophisticated, critical engagement with the world they inhabited. This collection invites readers to step into the diverse worlds fashioned by the Brontës. Each novel presents its unique landscape and character ensemble but is bridged under thematic concerns that resonate with universal human emotions. Exploring this body of work offers a profound educational journey through the terrain of 19th-century society, psychology, and narrative innovation. This anthology is indispensable not only for lovers of classic literature but for anyone seeking to understand the interplay of narrative form and social commentary in the creation of some of the most enduring works in English literature.