MERRY SPOOKY CHRISTMAS (25 Weird & Supernatural Tales in One Edition) (eBook)

MERRY SPOOKY CHRISTMAS (25 Weird & Supernatural Tales in One Edition) (eBook)

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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Musaicum Books
Codice EAN: 9788027222421
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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MERRY SPOOKY CHRISTMAS assembles a remarkable collection of 25 supernatural tales that intrigue and unsettle, all set against the festive backdrop of Christmas. This anthology blends the coziness of the holiday season with the chilling touch of the supernatural, employing a range of literary styles from gothic to mystery, seamlessly stitching the traditional with the eerie. The diversity of styles and themes provides a unique take on what constitutes holiday literature, redefining the cozy corners of yuletide cheer with shadows lurking just out of sight. Notable are tales that intertwine the festive spirit with otherworldly visitations and moral reckonings that leap from the page with eerie momentum. The contributing authors, ranging from Arthur Conan Doyle to Thomas Hardy and beyond, bring distinct voices that echo the rich literary traditions of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Many of these writers were pivotal in developing the genres of mystery and the supernatural story, with several pieces in this collection touching on broader cultural and historical movements of their time. Collectively, they expand the contours of how holiday narratives can be envisioned, blending folklore with literary innovation to reimagine the ghosts of Christmas in a literal and figurative sense. MERRY SPOOKY CHRISTMAS is an essential volume for readers who relish in the convergence of holiday warmth and chilling suspense. The collection offers a singular opportunity to explore diverse narratives that challenge the conventional imagery of Christmas. It invites an in-depth contemplation of themes through a tapestry of voices, both spectral and human, encouraging a festive reassessment of the familiar. This anthology is not just an exploration of literary craftsmanship but a gateway to reimagining the boundaries of seasonal storytelling.