Bernese Mountain Dog Training Vol 2 – Dog Training for Your Grown-up Bernese Mountain Dog (eBook)

Bernese Mountain Dog Training Vol 2 – Dog Training for Your Grown-up Bernese Mountain Dog (eBook)

Claudia Kaiser
Claudia Kaiser
€ 4,49
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€ 4,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Claudia Kaiser
Collana: Bernese Mountain Dog Training
Codice EAN: 9783968971063
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
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Bernese Mountain Dog Training Vol 2 – Dog Training for your grown-up Bernese Mountain Dog How to build up a unique relationship with your Bernese Mountain Dog, using training methods which are tailor-made for your Bernese Mountain Dog Dog training is often ... ... Confused with classic basic training of puppies ... Considered only suitable for particularly gifted dogs ... Considered too difficult to achieve without experience What constitutes dog training and why is it helpful? And how can you and your Bernese Mountain Dog profit from the training, completely without experience? Do you sometimes have the feeling that your dog has too much energy and does not feel fully stimulated, no matter how often you walk with him? Then dog training is the right thing for you. The simple but very effective methods of physical and mental training that you will read about in this guide will help you to stimulate your Bernese Mountain Dog, in an appropriate way for his species, while at the same time having fun. This is volume two of the Bernese Mountain Dog training guides. Volume 1 for your Bernese Mountain puppy is also available with the title "Bernese Mountain Dog Training: Dog Training for your Bernese Mountain puppy". The author Claudia Kaiser says about her book: "I love my dog and know how important it is to keep her occupied, even after she completed her basic training. Most dogs are not satisfied with their life as a family dog and can develop destructive characteristics. If owners would take the time to spend a few minutes every day, carrying out physical and mental training with their dogs, their situations would change dramatically. Many underestimate the potential of dog training and how it can positively change life with their dogs." Read about background information, read experience reports and obtain step-by-step instructions and secret tips which are tailor-made for your Bernese Mountain Dog. Get your copy of this book and discover... ... How to build up a unique relationship with your Bernese Mountain Dog ... How you can stimulate him physically and mentally in an appropriate way for his species ... And all that without previous experience in this area.