My Country (eBook)

My Country (eBook)

George Canyon
George Canyon
€ 16,97
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€ 16,97
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Simon & Schuster
Codice EAN: 9781982196899
Anno pubblicazione: 2022
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From Juno and Canadian Country Music Award winner George Canyon comes a heartfelt and candid memoir charting his humble beginnings in rural Nova Scotia, the hard-won success he found under the bright lights of Nashville, Tennessee, and all the life lessons he learned on and off the road that ultimately led him home. Today, George Canyon is a Platinum Award–winning country musician, known for hits such as “Good Day to Ride,” “I Want You to Live,” and songs that tell stories about family, love, faith, and having a good drink every now and then. But growing up in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, among his close-knit family of grandparents, aunts, and uncles, George wanted nothing more than to be an astronaut. He was always drawn to music, whether it was the hymns he belted out from the church pew or the old guitar he strummed his first notes on at the tender age of five, but it was possibility of a life in the stars that drove him. First, though, he had to learn to fly a plane on Earth, so as soon as he turned twelve, he joined the Air Cadets, following a rich family tradition of serving one’s country. Just two years later, George’s big dreams of being a pilot came crashing to the ground when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, a disease that meant a lifetime of measuring his food, testing his sugar levels, and taking insulin. And with limited treatment options available in the 1980s, the diagnosis ruled out the air force. Devastated as he was, deep down George knew that there was a greater plan for his life. When a snap decision to audition for a musical led to an offer to join a local country band, everything changed: George found his calling. It would be years of hard work and sacrifice—touring dive bars across the country and working multiple jobs—but with the unwavering support of his family and his deep sense of faith, George got his big break in 2004 when he landed a spot on Nashville Star, a singing competition TV show. From there, he was catapulted onto the world stage. With his natural gift for spinning a good tale and his signature humour and honesty, George recounts his musical journey from small-town Nova Scotia to the big city of Nashville, Tennessee, and how his life came full circle when he returned to Canada—this time, to the wide plains of Alberta. At its heart, this memoir is a love song to a way of life that’s rooted in family, faith, and place, and a reminder to never give up on your dreams.