The Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Collection (eBook)

The Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Collection (eBook)

Melissa McClone
Melissa McClone
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Cardinal Press, LLC
Collana: Indigo Bay Sweet Romance Series
Codice EAN: 9781944777654
Anno pubblicazione: 2021
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Visit the quaint coastal town of Indigo Bay where love is always in the air… From vacation romances to second chances, you'll find sigh-worthy, small-town romance in this complete collection of Melissa McClone's stories from the multi-author Indigo Bay Sweet Romance series. These four stories form their own miniseries, so find a cozy reading spot, and escape to Indigo Bay, South Carolina where happily ever afters are guaranteed. Also included is Jenny, the prequel to the rest of the books. This set includes: Jenny (prequel): Jenny Hanford never expects anything to happen the night she whimsically throws her requirements for true love into the ocean. Thirteen months later, however, she hears back from the man who found her bottle. Could he be her dream hero come to life? Sweet Holiday Wishes: Frequent deployments and training exercises kept Army Ranger Staff Sergeant Mitch Hamilton away from home, and he had no idea how taken for granted Lizzy felt until she asked him for a divorce. He'll do whatever It takes to save his marriage. But will it be enough? Sweet Beginnings: Josh Cooper's journey to sobriety inspires Hope Ryan to take charge of her own life. But as their relationship straddles the line between friendship and romance, can Hope and Josh find the strength to overcome their pasts and build a life together? Sweet Do-Over: When architect Marley Patterson turns down Von Ryan's marriage proposal, she realizes too late she made a huge mistake. She wants a second chance, but after breaking his heart once, will he give her a do-over? Sweet Yuletide: Two strangers end up how housesitting together over the holidays. A sprig of mistletoe makes Sheridan DeMarco and Mikey Patterson forget their plans to stay away from each other. But will their happily ever after get tossed out along with the discarded wrapping paper and tinsel? If you enjoy romance and beach reads, you'll love these stories set in the quaint, coastal town of Indigo Bay!