Aeon's Legacy (eBook)

Aeon's Legacy (eBook)

Alexis Glynn Latner
Alexis Glynn Latner
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Avendis Press
Codice EAN: 9781942686194
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
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Here for the first time are all four novels in the series, and the novelette "Spike," which unfolds between the last two books in the series, plus a bonus novella, Mascot, which unfolds in the same interstellar location as the final book. Hurricane Moon. In the late 21st century, with Earth wracked by climate change, an ambitious private foundation launches a starship to find a new world. Aboard the starship Aeon are Catharin Gault, an idealistic astronaut-physician, and Joseph Devreze, a geneticist as brilliant as he is irresponsible. Aeon discovers two Earth-sized planets in orbit around each other. Planet Green has abundant plant life. Planet Blue is an oceanic world covered with hurricanes. The green world with its bright blue moon seems like a perfect stage for the drama of civilization to begin anew and turn out better this time. But the journey took too long. A millennium of cryostasis—cold suspended animation—has caused insidious genetic damage. Now Catharin must rely on the irresponsible genius Devreze to help her repair the human genome if there is to be a future for the colony on Planet Green. Their mutual attraction ratchets up even as their conflict escalates. Together Catharin and Joe must decide how they can face, and embrace, a future utterly at odds with *Aeon'*s planned mission and their own expectations. Downfall Tide. It has been twenty-four years since Planet Green was colonized by the starship Aeon. In that time much has changed, thanks to unremitting hard work by the first generation of astronauts, scientists and explorers. They have built the beginning of a new civilization on that distant world with its ocean-covered hurricane moon. Unknown to them and their children, everything is about to change. In Star Crossing, the final journey of the starship Aeon has reached yet another world—a hopeful new beginning after the disastrous events in Downfall Tide. The first generation of colonists from Earth either perished or had to be left behind. Now their children encounter wonders and terrors, monstrous aliens and marvelous allies, in a place stranger than anything they ever imagined. It's like a Bermuda Triangle in space . . . half as old as time. But even here, faith and hope endure, and love is stronger than death. Helldive. Hidden inside the Starcross Nebula is a place of interstellar shipwreck. It harbors malicious monsters and dangerous mysteries. It's a hell of a place to attempt a rescue mission. Captain Zilka Devreze and her crew on the starship Guardian Angel must race against time to find shipwreck survivors in mortal danger. Zilka will make use of every resource she can find. This includes crucially useful people. Mission specialist Jack Mistry was an accident investigator in the Solar System in his previous life. Abruptly revived from stasis in the starship Aeon, he agrees to join the unprecedented mission. When he fled from Earth on Aeon, what he expected to find on the other side of the stars wasn't an interstellar accident scene like this. Or a woman like Zilka. Always as singularly alone as she was brilliant, Zilka discovers that this can change. But first she has to learn how to lead a very assorted crew. And Jack has to learn to follow his heart. Soon all of them will discover how death and life, hell and hope, and danger and love intersect in the Starcross Nebula.