The Love Note (eBook)

The Love Note (eBook)

Tracy Rees
Tracy Rees
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Quercus
Codice EAN: 9781786486677
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
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A heartwarming tale of love, family and acceptance, The Love Noteis a simply gorgeous read... In their townhouse in Richmond, Blue and her family are as happy and as close as can be - well, on the surface at least. But with the arrival of a young, destitute woman hoping to escape her abusive husband, they must finally confront the rifts that keep them apart. When they welcome Delphine into their home - and their hearts - they think it's for her benefit only. But what they don't realise is that she will bring them together in ways they never thought possible. **Previously published as Darling Blue** SEE WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THE LOVE NOTE! 'There were so many things that captivated me - her always wonderful writing, the gorgeous 1920s world of Richmond she evoked so beautifully and the characters who jumped right off the page and were such a complete pleasure to spend time with' Jenny Ashcroft 'I loved the evocative atmosphere of the 20s, the lovely characters and gorgeous descriptions of nature/turning of the seasons' Lucinda Riley 'Tracy's meticulous research and lavish prose provide the reader with the complete experience. From the intriguing premise, I was caught up in the lives of these three women and invested in their stories. Tracy's depiction of life in Richmond in the twenties was spot on and added depth to this glorious novel' Kathryn Hughes 'The writing is so fresh and exuberant and the characters so warm and lovely. It's a book full of sunshine, a real treat' Rachel Hore 'I love Tracy's writing; it's full of colour and atmosphere, with sparkly dialogue and just the right pace to keep you turning the pages' Gill Paul 'A joy to read . . . the drama rises by subtle, tiny increments until, at its climax, you have to remind yourself to breathe. These three women will stay with you for a long, long time' Claire Dyer 'Completely delightful, I loved it and the 1920s setting is sublime. Tracy writes with a warmth and authenticity that draws her readers into the delicious world she has created' Rosanna Ley 'I thoroughly enjoyed escaping into the delicious effervescent world of Richmond in the 1920s. Tracy has such a lovely turn of phrase. Full of vitality and warmth... delightful' Tor Udall 'It's a simply glorious read, one of the best books I've read in a very long time. Tracy's writing is so deep and wise and true. It captured me from the first word . . . a truly stunning novel' Nicola Cornick