Tales from the Tribe (eBook)

Tales from the Tribe (eBook)

Aaron Luse
Aaron Luse
€ 8,00
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€ 8,00
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Author Academy Elite
Codice EAN: 9781640851016
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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Tales from the Tribe is a missions-focused devotional book that will inspire, challenge, and educate you through incredible true stories that come to life from the jungle to your home. Get ready to see, feel, and even taste what it’s like to be a missionary living in a tribal village with stories like: ’Twas the Night Before Christmas, and I Was Barefoot Scaring Away the Spirits The Trapped Parrot The Lost Baby How a Chicken Saved Christmas Screams from a Stingray Tales from the Tribe is not merely a fascinating collection of strange customs, exotic animals, and humorous situations. It is a journey of learning more about the life of tribal missionaries. Each part of the book explains the process of establishing thriving churches among the least reached people groups of the world: Part 1: Going Worldwide Making a Move and Adjusting to a New Life Part 2: Groundwork Preparing Foundations through Literacy and Translation Part 3: Gospel Witness Telling the Salvation Message through Teaching and Living Part 4: Growing Wisely Training to Follow Christ Through Discipleship and the Church Part 5: Giving Way Passing the Baton to Maturing Believers and Watching Them Lead The five sections of this book take you through the process of missions, from learning a tribal language and culture to seeing a thriving church established. Within those sections, for every chapter, in addition to fun village facts and tidbits of science, you will find: From the Tribe – a real-life story that took place while we lived in the village To Your Home – a lesson that can be learned from the story In the Word – a passage of Scripture to read with three questions for further study On Your Journey – a thought to take with you as go out on your own journey This book is unique in that it can be read straight through from beginning to end, in random order, or as a 35-day devotional study. It is a great tool for individual devotions and has been designed to work especially well in a small group study format. These daily devotions take a close look at the lessons, insights, and challenges found in God's Word and their relevance for each of us today. You will be encouraged to make a difference on your side of the world and maybe on the other side as well.