Declutter Your Life: Increase Self-Confidence, Stop Depression & Feel Good in Your Own Skin Again (eBook)

Declutter Your Life: Increase Self-Confidence, Stop Depression & Feel Good in Your Own Skin Again (eBook)

Dr. Michael Ericsson
Dr. Michael Ericsson
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Dr. Michael Ericsson
Codice EAN: 9781540184719
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
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Declutter Your Life: Increase Self-Confidence, Stop Depression & Feel Good in Your Own Skin Again If you want to Boost Self-Control, Stop Worrying & Stress, Be More Productive & Feel Good In Your Own Skin Again, then this is your book! This book contains awesome steps and techniques on how to develop your communication skills and use them to make more friends and persuade people. Many people barely develop self-esteem because of various reasons. It could be stress, lack of motivation, and exhaustion. However, despite these varied causes, there are ways on how you can become a successful person. Self-esteem is not just about controlling oneself, but is about living a healthy, quality and successful life. Learn how to improve self-esteem and enjoy life with the strategies provided in this book. Read on and find out! What You'll Learn in Declutter Your Life: Increase Self-Confidence, Stop Depression & Feel Good in Your Own Skin Again... How to Live a Meaningful Life with Less How to Start Your Day Right with Morning Routine How to Eliminate Anxiety How to Increase Your Self-Confidence How to Discover The Willpower In You How to Improve Your Self-Control How to Fascinate People Through the Power of Charisma How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence What You'll Also Discover Inside... Expect more from yourself than others. The good news - everyone believes in what you show. Nobody can read your thoughts to know your doubts. The bad news - you can interpret every people's speech in a wrong way. Any weird reaction and you start worrying without any reason. Psychologists recommend listening to your "inner voice". Try this experiment: write down every thought while you are lacking of self-confidence. Every time you start worrying, do a two-minute break. Take the list and remind yourself how great you are. Show to your brain the material proof of your self-confidence. Think positive. It's the oldest trick in the book. If you know how to control your mind, then things will be easier for you. Why? Because positive thinking might really do wonders. Aside from that, once you think positively, you will notice that you'll actually feel good about yourself, and that you will feel good about what's going on around you. And, even if things go wrong, you'd know that these are just challenges and that you can rise above them. Exercise. Once you exercise, even just simple walking, you'll notice that you get this surge of adrenaline. This is because happy hormones are released and thus, you feel more confident about yourself, and more confident that you are actually capable of doing great things. Plus, once you exercise, you'll get to be happy and very beautiful, too. This book will help you identify effective methods designed to bring out your charismatic personality. I would like to encourage you to begin the journey by looking at yourself and accepting what you see. There can never be another you so be all you can be for the time being. The next step is to put to work the steps written in this book and see your life change for the better. Remember, you can do this. Your life is in your hands—so make it great.