NLP Master's Handbook: The 21 Neuro Linguistic Programming and Mind Control Techniques that Will Change Your Mind and Life Forever (eBook)

NLP Master's Handbook: The 21 Neuro Linguistic Programming and Mind Control Techniques that Will Change Your Mind and Life Forever (eBook)

Ramit Gupta
Ramit Gupta
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Ramit Gupta
Collana: NLP Training, Self-Esteem, Confidence Series
Codice EAN: 9781524256913
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
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Rewire Your Brain Completely. Think How You Want To Think. Stop falling into disempowering patterns of thinking that you don't enjoy. Arm yourself today with this step-by-step guide for NLP and mind control! Have you ever had an memory that, when brought up again, brings out the worst emotions in you? Perhaps it's an overwhelming sense of fear that you feel, despair, grief, or embarrassment. It takes control of your current self, and although the experience happened yesterday, a year ago, or even a decade ago, the vividness of that memory has a huge impact on how you perceive the world today. So what if you could rewrite that memory and associate new feelings with it? Would you choose to be happy, satisfied, or even entertained with that memory instead? This is one of the ideas that brought me into the field of neurolinguistic programming. With NLP, you really can reprogram your mind, replacing disempowering thoughts with empowering ones that allow your life to move on and allow you to become a stronger and more successful person. In this book, I broke down my studies of NLP into the 21 most important techniques that any beginner can use to get started. With each of these nuggets of knowledge, I hope I can get you on the right track to making a few tweaks in your mental programming that will boost your level of success and skyrocket your confidence. I also hope you will be inspired to study each of these techniques further to really take advantage of the power of NLP. So what are you waiting for? A new life is waiting for you just around the corner! Here Is A Sneak Peek Of What I'll Teach You... The Basics Of NLP Anchoring - Your "Bookmark" For A Particular Emotion The Basics Of Pattern Interruption The Swish Pattern For Rewiring Behavior The Loop Break Technique For Subconscious Thinking The Framing Technique For De-amplifying Bad Memories Using Presupposition For Hypnosis NLP For Getting Others To Listen The Milton Model For Hypnosis Much, much more! Download your copy today! Stop settling for less than you deserve and grab your copy today!