The Last Romantic (eBook)

The Last Romantic (eBook)

Jeffrey W. Barbeau
Jeffrey W. Barbeau
€ 20,61
Disponibile dal 28/01/2025
€ 20,61
Disponibile dal 28/01/2025


Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: IVP Academic
Collana: Hansen Lectureship Series
Codice EAN: 9781514010525
Anno pubblicazione: 2025
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Three Essays on C. S. Lewis and Romanticism Many readers have heard C. S. Lewis's logical arguments for the Christian faith. Yet throughout his wide-ranging study and writing, Lewis often began with experience, intuition, and religious feeling rather than dogmatic assertions. The most profound questions of Lewis's own life, argues theologian and literary critic Jeffrey Barbeau, can be seen in his quest to understand the relationship between personal experience and the truth about the world around him. In a series of three essays, Barbeau explores the influence of nineteenth-century Romanticism on the writings of C. S. Lewis. Barbeau demonstrates Lewis's indebtedness to Romantic notions of imagination and subjectivity, opens new contexts for understanding ideas about memory and personal identity in his autobiographical writings, and explores beliefs about nature and Christian sacraments throughout his writings on Christian faith. This theological and literary investigation reveals Lewis as a profoundly modern thinker and illuminates his ongoing relevance to contemporary debates about theology and culture. Drawing on extensive reading of the marginalia in the personal library of C. S. Lewis held by the Marion E. Wade Center, Barbeau offers a fresh understanding of the influence of modern theology and Romantic poetry, especially Wordsworth and Coleridge, on many of Lewis's most beloved works. Essays and responses include: C. S. Lewis and the "Romantic Heresy" with response from professor Sarah Borden, C. S. Lewis and the Anxiety of Memory, with response from professor Matthew Lundin, and C. S. Lewis and the Sacramental Imagination, with response from professor Keith L. Johnson. Based on the annual lecture series hosted at Wheaton College's Marion E. Wade Center, volumes in the Hansen Lectureship Series reflect on the imaginative work and lasting influence of seven British authors: Owen Barfield, G. K. Chesterton, C. S. Lewis, George MacDonald, Dorothy L. Sayers, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams.