The Repentant Demon Trilogy Boxed Set (eBook)

The Repentant Demon Trilogy Boxed Set (eBook)

Samantha Johns
Samantha Johns
€ 4,22
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€ 4,22
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Samantha Johns
Collana: The Repentant Demon Trilogy
Codice EAN: 9781507077917
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
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The Repentant Demon Trilogy Boxed Set This boxed set includes all 3 books in The Repentant Demon Trilogy: In a world that no longer believed in demons, his prey is an easy catch to snare. Fallen angel Calumnius’ only joy has been to destroy the good, ravish the honorable, and tempt those not easily tempted. Glorying in the destruction of good, he seeks to deprive God of His followers and has for a millennium of time. Now, he’s chosen a new prize; a woman of strong faith, with a pure soul and spirit. He sees her as his ultimate prize. But what happens when all efforts fail to attain that prize? In Book 1, demon Calumnius stalks beautiful red-headed archaeologist, Abigail into the dangers of ever war-ridden Iraq where she and her handsome companion travel in search for answers to biblical mysteries at a renowned excavation site. Romance starts to blossom, but a mystery unfolds involving them in dangerous evil forces that end in disaster. The demon who witnesses everything devises his own plan to change his existence, but his plan relies exclusively upon the very woman he has invested much time and energy into seducing into hell. Will his ultimate prize, the woman he is attempting to destroy be his only salvation? This is an epic fantasy tale you will not soon forget. Warning... this book contains some dark and graphic representation of evil. Mature audience only. In Book 2, born naked and alone in a dark inner-city alley, newly human Cal seeks the only person he knows--Abigail, the beautiful red-headed archaeologist. His simple plan becomes complicated by an ominous threat to the security of our nation--one that promises to involve much more than he had bargained for. He had only wanted his own chance at forgiveness, but finds his capacity for love grows to encompass not only the woman he sought to seduce, but the whole human race. Will Cal be able to save himself, his new friends and all of humanity in time? The clock is ticking... This is an epic fantasy tale you will not soon forget. In Book 3, Satan has plans that interfere with former demon Cal's deal, as well as the fate of all humankind. The repentant demon becomes embroiled in the affairs of humans, and to an even greater degree with one particular woman who teaches him much needed lessons in love and human understanding. In this epic conclusion, terrorists attack America. The world as we know it is thrown in into upheaval. Nuclear destruction sweeps across the country and all seems lost. Cal and Abigail seek refuge from the disastrous world-wide war in a secret underground military facility. Their enemy commander's identity is a mystery to all but Cal, who now seeks to expose him. Will Cal and his new family be able to defeat their unseen enemy, or will terrorists take over everything they hold dear? Will this be the ultimate downfall of the repentant demon, or will he evolve into something beyond human, beyond demon, and forever change the course of human events?