Head Games (eBook)

Head Games (eBook)

Marlo Peterson
Marlo Peterson
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Marlo Peterson
Codice EAN: 9781498919944
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
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This three-story erotica collection is intended to titillate, as well as inspire. The common theme of using your mouth to get ahead in bed is explored, both in the forms of dominance and submission. Real women feel empowered when on both the giving and receiving end, because there is power to be found in both. Enjoy these stories, let them make you as hot as you want to be and feel free to explore your own creativity with no boundaries. Sweet Chocolate The Groupie Teach Me Sweet Chocolate (A BW/WM Romance) Carmen was used to men not being able to handle her. Perhaps that's why she became the best dominatrix in the entire city. Her newest client, a handsome white man, couldn't help himself as soon as he walked into the door of her hotel room. He stripped naked immediately, and what followed was to hot to write here! In “The Groupie”, Kara needs attention and her husband won't give it to her. That's too bad for him, because when he leaves her alone at a concert from her favorite band, she is called onstage and serenaded. After the final number, the band invites her backstage, for what she thinks will be an autograph session. What ends up taking place is an opportunity for Kara to sing into all of their microphones, as she shows why she's the best groupie that they have ever come across. Teach Me Marla and Professor Orton have a thing going on... Every so often, Marla's takes to her knees and gives him the best performance of the century. Things get hot today in class, and she's called upon once again to earn that 'A'. Will she go for the gold? Professor Orton wants her sexy little body in the worst kind of way today, so she might have to go the extra mile!