Modern Romance November 2016 Books 5-8: Claiming His Christmas Consequence / One Night with Gael / Married for the Italian's Heir / Unwrapping His Convenient Fiancée (eBook)

Modern Romance November 2016 Books 5-8: Claiming His Christmas Consequence / One Night with Gael / Married for the Italian's Heir / Unwrapping His Convenient Fiancée (eBook)

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€ 15,90
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Mills & Boon
Codice EAN: 9781474063647
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
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Four Passionate Modern Romances all in One Bundle Claiming His Christmas Consequence You have one new message… Know this Catalina. You might be a princess, you might be wearing my ring, you might have taken 200,000 euros of my money… but you are carrying my child, and I will find you. Catalina had never stepped out of line, until one stolen Christmas night of irresistible passion with French billionaire Nathanial Giroud changed her life forever. Now, hidden in the Pyrenees, Catalina is determined to protect the small life growing within her from the anguish of her own royal upbringing. Even if she has to defy the husband she so desperately craves! When one night…leads to pregnancy! One Night with Gael Rules for dating Gael Aguilar Six-week time limit No second chances When aspiring actress Goldie Beckett storms into Gael’s board meeting to return the ten thousand dollars he left on her nightstand, she’s sure she’s triggered rule 2. But in just a few short weeks, the shocking news of her pregnancy ensures that she’s definitely broken rule 1! Born illegitimate and branded a mistake, there’s no way Gael will ever allow the same fate to befall his child. Obliterating all his own rules, Gael now must get Goldie to agree to the role of a life time as his wife! Married for the Italian's Heir She’ll pay the price with two words. I do. After a shocking media exposé reveals that the compelling stranger she lost her virginity to is debauched bachelor Dante Mancini, Piper Riley is stunned! Their unexpected but exquisite night has left them inextricably bound… When Dante learns that Piper is pregnant, the heartless playboy sees a perfect opportunity to restore his business reputation—by making Piper his wife! But Piper won’t settle for anything less than happy-ever-after. Dante must overcome his past to prove to Piper—and to the world—that that this is more than a convenient match… Unwrapping his Convenient Fiancée The perfect lie… Violet Drummond can’t face another office Christmas party as a singleton, but charismatic family friend Cameron McKinnon seems like the perfectly platonic plus one for the festive season. Until he reveals his plan to make Violet his convenient fiancée! Wealthy Architect Cameron sees this charade as the perfect escape hatch from the unwelcome attention of an important client’s wife, but soon fake feelings shift to real attraction… There’s only one thing Cameron wants to unwrap on Christmas morning – the staid suit from Violet’s lush body – and he’s willing to push the boundaries of their agreement to accommodate his growing desire…