The Shadow Sister (eBook)

The Shadow Sister (eBook)

Lucinda Riley
Lucinda Riley
€ 11,01
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€ 11,01
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Macmillan
Collana: The Seven Sisters
Codice EAN: 9781447288633
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
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Following on from the bestselling The Seven Sisters and The Storm Sister, The Shadow Sister is the third book in Lucinda Riley's spellbinding series of love and loss, inspired by the mythology of the Seven Sisters constellation. Star D'Aplièse, in her late twenties, is at a crossroads in her life after the sudden death of her beloved father – the elusive billionaire, named Pa Salt by his six daughters, all adopted by him from the four corners of the world. He has left each of them a clue to their true heritage, but Star – the most enigmatic of the sisters – is hesitant to step out of the safety of the close relationship she shares with her sister CeCe. In desperation, she decides to follow the first clue she has been left, which leads her to an antiquarian bookshop in London, and the start of a whole new world . . . A hundred years earlier, headstrong and independent Flora MacNichol vows she will never marry. She is happy and secure in her home in the Lake District, living close to her idol, Beatrix Potter. But, when machinations outside of her control lead her to the London home of one of Edwardian society's most notorious players, Flora is pulled between passionate love and duty to her family. But she finds herself a pawn in a game – the rules of which are only known to others – until a meeting with a mysterious gentleman unveils the answers that Flora has been searching for her whole life . . . As Star learns more of Flora's incredible journey, she too goes on a voyage of discovery, finally stepping out of the shadow of her sister and opening herself up to the possibility of love. **The epic, multi-million selling series continues with The Pearl Sister. 'Absolutely impossible to put down! The Seven Sisters books just keep getting better and better' - Tracy Rees, author of Amy Snow Praise for the Seven Sisters:** 'A masterclass in beautiful writing' – The Sun 'Heart-wrenching, uplifting and utterly enthralling' – Lucy Foley, author of The Hunting Party 'A breathtaking adventure' – Lancashire Evening Post Five-Star Reader Reviews: 'Absolutely incredible' 'Totally addictive' 'Ideal for when you need to escape'