The David Raker Collection Books 1-3 (eBook)

The David Raker Collection Books 1-3 (eBook)

Tim Weaver
Tim Weaver
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Lingua: en
Editore: Penguin
Codice EAN: 9781405917315
Anno pubblicazione: 2013
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The first three thrillers in the stunning David Raker series - for the first time in one unique bundle Chasing the Dead One year ago, Alex Towne's body was found. One month ago, his mother saw him on the street. One week ago, David Raker agreed to look for him. He'll wish he hadn't. Mary Towne's son, Alex, went missing six years ago. Five years later he finally turned up - as a corpse in a car wreck. Missing persons investigator David Raker doesn't want the work: it's clearly a sad but hopeless case of mistaken identity brought to him by a woman unable to let go of her son. But haunted by a loss of his own, Raker reluctantly agrees. The Dead Tracks Seventeen-year-old Megan Carver was an unlikely runaway. A straight-A student from a happy home, she studied hard and rarely got into trouble. Six months on, she's never been found. David Raker knows what it's like to grieve. He knows the shadowy world of the lost too. So, when he's hired by Megan's parents to find out what happened, he recognizes their pain - but knows that the darkest secrets can be buried deep. And Megan's secrets could cost him his life. Vanished For millions of Londoners, the morning of 17 December is just like any other. But not for Sam Wren. An hour after leaving home, he gets onto a tube train - and never gets off again. No eyewitnesses. No trace of him on security cameras. Six months later, he's still missing. Out of options and desperate for answers, Sam's wife Julia hires David Raker to track him down. Raker has made a career out of finding the lost. He knows how they think. And, in missing person cases, the only certainty is that everyone has something to hide. But in this case the secrets go deeper than anyone imagined . . . Tim Weaver is the author of four David Raker novels: Chasing the Dead and The Dead Tracks were followed by Vanished and the most recent Never Coming Back. 'Weaver's books get better each time - tense, complex . . . written with flair as well as care' Guardian 'Weaver has delivered another cracking crime thriller' Daily Mail