Just About Box Set Books #1-3 (eBook)

Just About Box Set Books #1-3 (eBook)

Lexy Timms
Lexy Timms
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Dark Shadow Publishing
Collana: Just About Series
Codice EAN: 9781393718499
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
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USA Today Bestselling Author, Lexy Timms, brings you a new series About Love and everything in between the road to forever. The course of true love never did run smooth... William Shakespeare Book 1 - About Love After losing her money and fiancé in one go, Kellie Margolis, the one-time owner of a lucrative business, checks out of society. She needs to become something—or someone—unassuming. She's hired on as a waitress at a bar called Darkness. It's in a dangerous part of town, locally known for its Russian-American population. Unexpectedly, her new life involves the erotic, shady, and incredibly charming Sasha Petrov. Sasha's too good-looking for words. Life for Kellie becomes passionate, adventurous, erotic, and bold—but by no means simple. Though too many signals say Sasha plays dirty, Kellie decides she'd be a fool to deny herself the pleasure he brings her. Their affair becomes more like a fairy tale, and Kellie starts believing Sasha is the love she deserves after her hard times. When Kellie's past unexpectedly comes full circle, she realizes how small the world really is. Will an unforeseen discovery break Kellie's heart for good, or will Sasha be the bad boy hero he's set himself up to be? Book 2 - About Truth What could be sexier than a smoking-hot Russian man built like a brick house? One who is so into you... High on a hot, romantic love affair, young and pretty Kallie Margolis has everything—almost. She has a beautiful house, all the money she needs, and the undivided attention of the most magnificent man she could ever imagine. Only, she doesn't have to just imagine him because Sasha Petrov is gorgeous, larger than life, unbelievable in bed, and very real. Sasha is also the one who unwittingly helped ruin everything Kallie once had, and still she fell for him. He earns his living on the mean streets of Baltimore in ways Kallie doesn't want to know. Their animal need for one another rockets them way beyond all that, and they have the time of their lives as Sasha makes it all up to her. Just when the world could not get rosier, their passion more off the hook, the bottom threatens to drop out. Has Sasha played Kallie for a fool? Is he going to take her for another ride? Or can Kallie trust the sensual bad boy when he says his for love her, not a life of crime, is what drives him? Book 3 - About Forever There comes a time, even in the hottest relationship ever, when enough is enough. But cutting off the magnificent and gorgeous bad boy Sasha Petrov is like cutting off an arm; Kallie Margolis just can't do it. His dangerous charm and once-in-a-lifetime passion. If anyone had told her before she left town on the fly that Sasha wasn't right for her, she couldn't even imagine it. But once again, Kallie finds herself waking up in rustic, beach-front digs trying to make sense of it all. Getting away to sort it out isn't an option, because Sasha is always one step behind. He lures her back into his powerful arms just by being near. He tries being cold and callous to teach her a lesson for taking off, but he can no more be angry with her than she can break up with him. When things look like they're going to straighten out for the two of them the never-been-caught street-smart Sasha is arrested, this time for a fairly serious crime. He's a self-employed businessman who unapologetically deals with things not quite legal. Will the fallout of his shady pursuits be the end of the sweetest love Kallie believes she will ever find? Or will Sasha beat the odds and make it back to Kallie's bed, and into her heart for good?