Wicca & Enneagram: Become Who You Really Are with the Sacred Road of the 9 Personality Types and Discover the Book of Spells and Witchcraft for Beginners (eBook)

Wicca & Enneagram: Become Who You Really Are with the Sacred Road of the 9 Personality Types and Discover the Book of Spells and Witchcraft for Beginners (eBook)

Kunkel Sarah Heffner John 
Kunkel Sarah Heffner John 
€ 4,49
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€ 4,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: John Hoffner
Codice EAN: 9781393406198
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
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Everything You Need to Know to Start Your Wiccan Journey Learn about the history and practice of the Wiccan tradition, discover the incredible power of spellcasting for health, wealth and happiness, and explore the magickal side of herbs & plants to connect with nature, as the earliest shamans did in the ancient world. The world we live in today seems wholly distant from the one our ancestors lived in—a world where humans and Nature were at one, their existence intertwined in the natural cycles of life. Wicca teaches us to appreciate the Earth, celebrating the intricate changes in the seasons and everything they bring. As you'll discover in this book, Wicca is a reincarnation of the very earliest religions, practiced for millennia before the advent of Christianity. Wiccans celebrate and share many of the same beliefs our ancestors held, with practices that honor the old ways while being compatible with contemporary life. Interest in Wicca, Witchcraft, and contemporary magic has increased exponentially over the past few decades. The dramatic rise of this Nature-based religion is due at least in part to the Internet—just twenty years ago, people curious about these subjects often had little access to credible information, especially those without a good New Age or Occult bookstore nearby. But the appeal of Wicca is also growing in tandem with the increasing complexities of our modern, high-pressured mainstream society. Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are? Do you want to understand the motivations and dynamics of your personality? Most likely, the middle of the human personality will always retain some mystery, but with the proper tool in hand, almost anyone can start to pry away the opaque clouds of wonder and get a glimpse into the truth about themselves. If you have never heard of the Enneagram before, then it just may be the tool you have been missing. The Enneagram is a powerful ancient tool used to help individuals recognize their personality types and thus, better understand their actions, thoughts, and feelings more intimately. Through this understanding, you will be finally able to realizing, owning, and accepting your deepest strengths and weaknesses You will discover: The origins and history of Wicca and Witchcraft The Wiccan holidays of the Wheel of the Year: the Sabbats and the Esbats Core elements of Wiccan ritual Principles of magic—both ancient and modern Choosing your Wiccan path The 9 different personality types. Enneagram and Self-Discovery An overview of Wiccan covens, circles, and solitary practice Magickal tools & how to use them Tips & guidelines for successful spellcasting The phases of the moon & their importance Spells for abundance, wealth, health, love and happiness And much more! Whether you're just looking to learn more about the Wiccan way of life, or you want to start practicing Wicca yourself, you will have a solid understanding of the essence of Wicca after reading this book. Scroll up and click Buy Now to Start Practicing Witchcraft Today!