Burning Desire : Threesome Romance Collection (eBook)

Burning Desire : Threesome Romance Collection (eBook)

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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Total Love Publishing
Codice EAN: 9781393372035
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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STEAMY HOT THREESOME ROMANCE COLLECTION : 4 STANDALONE BOOKS IN ONE. No cliffhanger. Guaranteed HEA. Double Her Dragons Two of Them: She gets more than she bargained for on her mission for adventure. One of Her: Neither is willing to give her up and tempers will flare. The only solution is to share. Ava Murphy never really knew what it meant to be spontaneous and to live life on her terms until she made a promise to do just that. Packing up and moving from the small town she grew up in, her mission is to experience everything she missed out on. Ending up in Houston, she encounters two men who will give her more adventure than she can handle, and she will love every scandalous, passionate minute of it. Zac and Mason are men unlike any others Ava has ever met. They make her feel alive, and she completes them both, but the secret they carry might scare her away. The love triangle causes tempers to rise and secrets to be revealed. Neither man is willing to give her up. Ava will have to make the choice to walk away or choose one. But what happens when she admits that she wants them both? At the end of her quest for adventure, her life will change forever. Three's Company Benjamin and Mya Blest are married and in love. Their love runs deep. Both are artists, passionate about their craft, they find creative ways to infuse their work into their love life that to some, would seem unorthodox. Mya finds herself wanting more from Benjamin and ends up confessing a fantasy to him that seems unattainable. Benjamin is willing to prove just how committed he is to satisfying his wife and goes to some extremes to do so. Is their love strong enough to survive this part of the journey that they have embarked on together? Benjamin and Mya show us that true art knows no limits and that true love can survive anything and everything. Benjamin and Mya explore the depths of their sexuality and work to quench seemingly out of reach desires while at the same time, remaining committed to one another and their crafts. Stormy Love Elizabeth Storm was a trust fund baby with parental problems, although hers are a little different from most people's. Despite that, , she is determined to make herself a new life in New York. She has a new high rise apartment she loves. She is doing charitable work that is satisfying, and she is still a voluptuous woman in the big city and thinks now she has it made on her own. That is, until she is shopping for jewelry and is caught up in a robbery. Everything spins out of control after that, including an attraction to a couple of NBA stars she runs into during the robbery. As if things couldn't get more complicated she is injured and everything happening to herself and others could be all about her! She desperately needs to find out the answers. Especially to her attraction to two good looking athletes. Before long they are rising her Stormy Love to new peaks!