The Spanish Flu 1918 History of The Deadliest: Lessons to Learn and Global Consequences. Comparison with The Pandemic Of 2020 and How to Prevent New Ones in The Future (eBook)

The Spanish Flu 1918 History of The Deadliest: Lessons to Learn and Global Consequences. Comparison with The Pandemic Of 2020 and How to Prevent New Ones in The Future (eBook)

Mariah Khan
Mariah Khan
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Elia Friedenthal
Codice EAN: 9781393337980
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
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Did you know? During the flu pandemic of 1918, the New York City health commissioner tried to slow the transmission of the flu by ordering businesses to open and close on staggered shifts to avoid overcrowding on the subways. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet's population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans. The 1918 flu was first observed in Europe, the United States and parts of Asia before swiftly spreading around the world. It is dangerous to draw too many parallels between coronavirus and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, that killed at least 50 million people around the world. Covid-19 is an entirely new disease, which disproportionately affects older people. The deadly strain of influenza that swept the globe in 1918 tended to strike those aged between 20 and 30, with strong immune systems. But the actions taken by governments and individuals to prevent the spread of infection have a familiar ring to them. The first wave of the 1918 pandemic occurred in the spring and was generally mild. The sick, who experienced such typical flu symptoms as chills, fever and fatigue, usually recovered after several days, and the number of reported deaths was low. However, a second, highly contagious wave of influenza appeared with a vengeance in the fall of that same year. Victims died within hours or days of developing symptoms, their skin turning blue and their lungs filling with fluid that caused them to suffocate. In just one year, 1918, the average life expectancy in America plummeted by a dozen years. Where Did The Spanish Flu Come From? Scientists still do not know for sure where the Spanish Flu originated, though theories point to France, China, Britain, or the United States, where the first known case was reported at Camp Funston in Fort Riley, Kansas, on March 11, 1918.