The Place of Broken Things (eBook)

The Place of Broken Things (eBook)

Manzetti Alessandro D. Addison Linda 
Manzetti Alessandro D. Addison Linda 
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Crystal Lake Publishing
Codice EAN: 9781393279969
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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Bram Stoker Award® winners Linda D. Addison and Alessandro Manzetti use their unique voices to create a dark, surrealistic poetry collection exploring the many ways shattered bodies, minds, and souls endure. They created poems of visionary imagery encompassing death, gods, goddesses and shadowy, Kafkaesque futures by inspiring each other, along with inspiration from others (Allen Ginsberg, Pablo Neruda, Phillis Wheatley, etc.). Construction of The Place started with the first bitten apple dropped in the Garden. The foundation defined by the crushed, forgotten, and rejected. Filled with timeless space, its walls weep with the blood of brutality, the tears of the innocent, and predatory desire. Enter and let it whisper dark secrets to you. Proudly represented by Crystal Lake Publishing—Tales from the Darkest Depths. Interview with the poets: What makes this poetry collection so special? Alessandro: Collaborations are the salt of poetry, can create special, unique blends and flavours. This book is exquisite, in that way. Linda: Collaborations can create remarkable work, whether it's poetry or fiction. Alessandro and I each did a third on our own and then a third together. This book was written with us in completely different time zones (Arizona & Italy), without ego and is the best poetry I've created so far. Tell us more about the theme of this book. Linda: There was no hard rules, we agreed to riff off any of the words in the title: Place; Broken; Thing(s). The real magic is how the book flowed from us, as we allowed our imagination freedom to play, trusting the dark, surrealistic tales told would fit; and they did! Alessandro: Imagine a collage of different places, connected by invisible wires. We play the role of the explorers of that elusive, borderlands world. Why should readers give this book or your work a try? Linda: Our book has unique songs to offer, something we couldn't recreate separately. It stands alone with any work we do in the future because even the poems I wrote by myself were influenced by working in our shared arena in undefinable ways. Alessandro: If you're a curious traveler, ready to walk with us along a trail without markers, this is a good book for you.