Third Eye Awakening (eBook)

Third Eye Awakening (eBook)

Madison Miller
Madison Miller
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Mark Madison
Codice EAN: 9781393082118
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
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You might have heard about the benefits of awakening your third eye, but what does it actually take to get started on your journey towards enlightenment? This guide is designed to walk you through the entire process from start to finish so that you can connect to your chakras to realize your full potential and enjoy the benefits of a regular meditation practice. The guide is broken down into six chapters that will teach you everything from need to know meditation terms to neurobiology to tips on awakening your third eye chakra. Here's the breakdown: Meditation lingo: simple definitions for all of the concepts and tools you'll need to make your meditation practice successful. Some of the ideas covered in this section include prana, mudras, mantras, the seven chakras, in particular the Ajna (third eye) chakra, and more. History: ever wondered where the idea of the third eye originated? This section will give you a brief background to clear up any confusion about the roots of this ancient practice. Science: you know that meditation is good for you, but do you know just how good? A review of recent studies shows that your mental and physical health can both benefit from a regular meditation practice. If you're looking for something that will clear your mind, help you make balanced decisions, and even lower your risk for chronic diseases, this section is going to tell you all about how third eye meditation is the cure-all treatment. Finding the right meditation style: you'll learn how to try out seven different third eye focused meditation styles so that you can choose what's best for you. Complete with step bystep guided meditations that you can do at home. Planning it out: lots of people start a meditation practice and quit when the going gets rough. With a good plan in place, you can be sure to stick with your practice through thick and thin. You're never going to unlock the key to your third eye chakra by just plopping down on a mat and trying to meditate. With this helpful guide, you can ensure that you understand exactly what you're looking for and how to recognize it when you see it. You'll also have access to all the tools and techniques that will help you succeed. No more feeling lost in your yoga classes because you don't connect with the third eye chakra. No more feeling frustrated from meditation apps that don't foster long-term commitment. And, most importantly, no more feeling off centered, fatigued, or unfocused simply because no one has clearly explained what it means to awaken the third eye chakra. With this guide, you'll learn to become your own third eye meditation guru. Here are some of the things you'll find here: List of helpful meditation terms Explanation of seven meditation styles with step by step guides Pros and cons of each meditation style so that you can choose what's best for you Explanation of the neuroscience of meditation Brief history of meditation and the third eye Tips on starting out meditation so that you never feel lost, guilty or overwhelmed Suggestions for smoothing out the wrinkles of your meditation practice so that you keep coming back to it You have the power within you, so why not unleash it by connecting to your third eye chakra?