Business Tycoon Biographies Andrew Carnegie, John D Rockefeller, & Henry Clay Frick: The Story of America’s Oil and Steel Founding Fathers (eBook)

Business Tycoon Biographies Andrew Carnegie, John D Rockefeller, & Henry Clay Frick: The Story of America’s Oil and Steel Founding Fathers (eBook)

Richard Milton
Richard Milton
€ 2,49
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€ 2,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: MG Publishing
Codice EAN: 9781393079477
Anno pubblicazione: 2020
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Do you ever wonder how the Rockefeller family and others became some of the most influential individuals and families in modern history or who founded some of the biggest oil, gas, and steel companies in the US and the stories behind them? And would you be thrilled to find a collection of stories of the great industrialists that literally brought to the fore the fruits of American capitalism and philanthropy – men whose wealth, influence, and philanthropy easily dwarfed that of our modern-day billionaires? If you've answered YES, keep reading... You Are About To Discover The Biographies Of America's Oil And Steel Founding Fathers, Andrew Carnegie, John D Rockefeller And Henry Clay Frick, That Led To The Gilded Age! Do you know there was a time in history when the business magnates and titans boasted of so much more wealth than the world has seen from even the top technology visionaries and innovators? The tech giants like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and even Jeff Bezos do not even remotely compare to the kind of wealth that John D Rockefeller possessed and others such as Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick. During America's Gilded Age, which stretched for almost half a century (1870-1900), there was so much progress that was made in the United States that cannot be denied. The kind of Second Industrial Revolution that the America underwent due to the various figures of wealth and power was nothing short of impressive economic growth. Especially during such a time of great expansion and fewer regulations, they had the power and means to create opportunities and jobs for so many people, such as typewriters, cash registers, or even mechanical reapers. So, you can only imagine the kind of wealth and power these men possessed. That's why, until today, there has never been a wealthier man than John D Rockefeller in today's economy.