The Model and the Pro (eBook)

The Model and the Pro (eBook)

Olivia Hampshire
Olivia Hampshire
€ 3,39
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€ 3,39
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: SB Books
Codice EAN: 9781386883135
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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Roy "Long John" Hill was a winning quarterback for the Dallas Rope Riders and was Super Bowl bound. He had been dating his partner, international super model Richard Miller for 9 years. He decided that after her won this Super Bowl, he would announce to the world that the two would finally marry. The news did not sit well with one long term, billionaire Texas US Senator, Senator Guthry Trent. The senator decided that this would not be good for the youth of Texas. A small group of gay men in CIA Black Ops #85 prison in Greece have to step in to make things right. "Got to love that Texas State. Wow, this is the first time I have read an Olivia Hampshire book and I got to say that I laughed out loud so many times. Olivia knows about some payback too. You go girl. I am a gay guy, but with the bonus books she included that were all about lesbians, I totally enjoyed the great life messages she conveyed in them. What an unsuspected pleasure. Olivia should be writing scripts for HBO. Well done and thank you." Martin, Green Bay, WI "What a concept. 6 or 7 brilliant Gay men using what they know to benefit good all over the world. Brilliant gay men. I have never ever seen anyone write in such a totally positive, motivational fashion about gay men, but, on the other hand, I´m not the sharpest pencil in the box either. And, this was greatly entertaining and very humorous. And, in the end, love comes through and the good guys win. This should be a series on television. My best to the author." Will, NY, NY "Gay guys in a black ops, CIA prison having a good time and messing around with the system internationally. Way to go. A group of wonderful men, having a totally good time. This was a pleasure to read and I am still laughing at how the bad guys went down. I mean I am still really laughing. I am buying some more books from Olivia tonight." Cyrus, Los Angeles, CA "This was totally crazy and enjoyable. This was so much better than anything I have seen on television , on the cable stations. And really, really funny. I laughed a lot, but at the end, I was very much touched by the ending. And there was sex, but it wasn't over the top and wild. The characters where well developed and I liked the side story with Lester. Well worth my money and I am ready for more." Issac, Reno, NV