A to Z Changing My Mind Changing My Life for Total Beginners (eBook)

A to Z Changing My Mind Changing My Life for Total Beginners (eBook)

Lisa Bond
Lisa Bond
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: SB Books
Codice EAN: 9781386816904
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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The first step is in this book Changing My Mind Changing My Life for Total Beginners? As people, we are constantly growing and evolving. We learn new skills, our bodies change, we sometimes grow new limbs (well, maybe not the last one, but you know what I mean). We are constantly up-skilling, bettering ourselves, becoming more relatable to the general population, but are we actually growing ourselves? This is why I wrote this short simple guide, “Changing My Mind Changing My Life for Total Beginners.” As you read, “Changing My Mind Changing My Life for Total Beginners,” we talk about the fact that as we exercise, our bodies change, and we become different people (physically), but is our body, not just a shell, containing what is inside of us? We go to school and learn new skills. We gain knowledge about the world and the people in it, but are we not just adding to who we are? The attaining of knowledge and skills does not change who we are. We move from relationship to relationship. Some are short, and others last our entire life. These relationships add to our lives; they bring new experiences and interactions, they change how we act in the future, based on the knowledge we have gained from others, and from interacting with others. Are we changed by this? Or do we act differently based on our experiences? We introduce these concepts and more in, “Changing My Mind Changing My Life for Total Beginners.” The journey to personal development and growth, to a new mental you, starts from within. There is no one who can do this for you. You have to do it yourself. You can be influenced by the outside world, but the change happens within. Your journey is one of change; it is not about adding to what is inside you. It is about changing the way you think and interpreting the world differently. You find as you read, “Changing My Mind Changing My Life for Total Beginners,” it is about being aware of who you are and understanding how you fit into the world. We do not seek to change who we are, that would be impossible. Instead, we seek to understand who we truly are. We are conditioned to react and respond in a certain way, to cover feelings and emotions, to project feelings which are not really there. We can never truly be who we are until we understand who we are and learn how to react to what we are feeling inside. Buy the book, “Changing My Mind Changing My Life for Total Beginners,” and join me on a journey as we learn what we can do to train our minds. To unlock their true potential. How can we be aware of what we are feeling? How can we better interpret the world? How can we become happier with what we have? How can we rid ourselves of negativity and stress? How can we be better people? I do not claim to have all the answers, but I do claim that by ready this book and putting into practice some of the contained information, you will make a change towards the person you truly are, the person who has been hidden for so long. I know that that is what happened to me.