A to Z Magic Mushrooms Making Your Own for Total Beginners (eBook)

A to Z Magic Mushrooms Making Your Own for Total Beginners (eBook)

Lisa Bond
Lisa Bond
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: SB Books
Codice EAN: 9781386651925
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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In this offering, I will provide one method of growing mushrooms. It is a method that has been popularized by the likes of famous growers and forefathers like “Rogerrabbit” (Marc R. Keith) and tweaked throughout the years by the many others that have come after him to help put together useful resources for the growth and consumption of magic mushrooms. The processes outlined here are not vastly different than their methods (also referred to as TEK-style tutorials), but I have attempted to simplify the language for newcomers, explain some of the information that isn’t absolutely critical for growing but helps to understand the growing process, and offer some slight updates when it seemed worthwhile. The end goal is a stepping stone, a starting point, a guide that is comprehensive enough to get you from start to finish yet short enough to keep your attention. It is important, of course, to note that you need to take the time to do your own research as well. Not only is there a vast wealth of knowledge and experienced growers you can learn from, but there are also some legal considerations that may be of concern to you. The author (that’s me) and the publisher take no responsible and absolve ourselves of all liability. Your actions are your own, and it is highly suggested that you take the time to understand local, state (or provincial), and federal laws that apply to you when growing, consuming, and potentially distributing magic mushrooms. The book will be broken into three simple sections: Spores – a brief introduction on mushroom spores, a small number of strains, spore printing, and spore syringes. Liquid Culture – a chapter on how to begin the process of going from spores to a liquid culture, which is used for growing the actual mushrooms. Growing – the brown rice flour cake method of growing mushrooms using a liquid culture. It is highly advised to read all of the steps prior to starting. Not only will these help you understand the materials needed, but by understanding the steps in order before starting any of the steps, you will be better prepared and will better understand the reasoning behind these suggestions. Lastly, I encourage you to have fun. Growing takes patience, but the entire process can be a fascinating adventure in science, spirituality, and intoxication. Your adventure may be riddled with some potential failures, and you can easily allow it to become a frustrating mess or a growing experience for yourself. It is truly up to you. If you continue to practice and attempt to learn from your mistakes, there is no reason you cannot enjoy the process even before you are able to consume your homegrown magic mushrooms. So please, try to make the most of it!