A to Z How to Make Organic Body Care Products at Home for Total Beginners (eBook)

A to Z How to Make Organic Body Care Products at Home for Total Beginners (eBook)

Lisa Bond
Lisa Bond
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: SB Books
Codice EAN: 9781386486350
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on face creams, beauty treatments, massages, and aromatherapy? Do you question all those impossible to pronounce ingredients on the back of your bath products and lotions? Have you wondered why some products are tested on animals instead of humans? The body care products that we buy from the retail chains and makeup counters are full of chemicals that not only don't really help our skin, but can harm it as well. Making your own organic body care products doesn't require you to be a chemist or parfumier. Making body care products at home is something that even a total beginner can dabble in. Many people start making body care products because they have an interest in essential oil benefits, have sensitivities to store bought beauty and skin care products, or just want another outlet for their own creativity. Organic body care products have benefits that exceed just being naturally amazing for your skin and hair, there are aromatherapy benefits, and tons of savings for your bank account! Not to mention, organic body care products are a green solution that produces very little waste and consumes very little energy. You won't be filling up your trash bins with empty lotion and shampoo bottles anymore! All the supplies you need for organic body care are reusable! This guide is full of tips and tricks for making your own organic body care products for total beginners. The recipes are easy to follow and the information in the guide is comprehensive and easy to understand. By the time you are at the end, not only will you have tons of knowledge about the benefits of essential oils and organic body care, you'll have enough recipes for body care products to last the year! Most of the recipes in the last half of this guide require very little ingredients and supplies, the best part is that they don't take long to make and make incredible gifts. Being able to put your own unique spin on healthy, aromatic body care is something that you care be proud of gifting this holiday season!