Self-Discipline : 32 Small Changes to Create a Life Long Habit Of Self-Discipline, Laser-Sharp Focus, And Extreme Productivity (eBook)

Self-Discipline : 32 Small Changes to Create a Life Long Habit Of Self-Discipline, Laser-Sharp Focus, And Extreme Productivity (eBook)

James Ryan
James Ryan
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Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Ryan James
Codice EAN: 9781386296928
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
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Science shows that people with self-discipline are happier with their lives. They are successful in almost all areas of life – physically, mentally, socially, and even financially. And the good news is, self-discipline isn’t some lucky mutation that people are randomly blessed with at birth. It is cultivated. It is learned. It might seem impossible with what the traditional notions of discipline that are always associated with austerity. But the truth is, anyone can learn it. This book is developed precisely to help the average person build a life-long habit of discipline. This book reveals 32 small changes that you can make right now in order to start your quest for self-mastery including: Step-by-step easy-to-follow guides for boosting self-awareness so you can recognize and fight distractions Little things that you need to stop doing – or thinking – because they damage your productivity and forbearance Exercises that build inner strength and character The changes in mind-sets that you need to make in order to reinforce self-discipline Ways to manage temptation and maintain focus Techniques and practices that will enable you to stay on track With the information in this book, you can: Push yourself to become engaged even when doing mundane or unappealing tasks Exercise even if you feel like staying home and lying on the couch Formulate a manageable plan for whatever goal you have in mind. Control your diet and manage your weight despite the temptation of food Avoid acting or talking in a harsh manner Avoid rash judgments and acting on impulse Continue working on what you started even without motivation Start a project or a book and finish it Keep good relationships Avoid being easily offended or insulted Avoid being depressed or frustrated Enjoy life as you achieve goals If you feel helpless and you want to change that, read on and learn about how you can regain control. With better self-discipline, you will have confidence, laser-sharp focus, and tenacity to be more productive. You can win in life. The choice is yours. Apply these small changes in your life and see what it’s like again to have mastery of your own self.