Corporate Financial Management (eBook)

Corporate Financial Management (eBook)

Lewis Deborah Arnold Glen 
Lewis Deborah Arnold Glen 
€ 45,75
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€ 45,75
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Pearson
Codice EAN: 9781292140483
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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Discover more about the essential principles of Corporate Finance, with the ultimate guide coming from a team of leading authors in the field. Corporate Financial Management, 6th edition by Arnold and Lewis is the latest version of this comprehensive guide to the subject, written by leading authors in the financial world. This edition is ideal for students who study the topic either as a standalone subject or as part of their wider studies within business accounting, finance, banking, or economics. The book offers a complete study of the theory and practice in corporate finance, exploring a range of topics, including investment appraisal, risk and return, and sources of finance. It also discusses concepts that involve risk management, including derivatives, giving a unique treatment of corporate value. Accessible and easy to understand, the text is designed to teach you how to make informed, successful financial decisions by offering a variety of real-world case studies that apply important business concepts from theory to action. The current, thoroughly updated edition includes a plethora of existing and updated features that will support your understanding of the concepts presented in each chapter. Key features include: A clear, accessible language that illustrates the financial techniques in practical terms. New Financial Times articles that help you see the relevance between theory and the real world. A presentation of finance as a dynamic subject, that is open to theoretical re-evaluation. A large number of examples and case studies include statistics and data that range from the number of corporate mergers to default rates in corporate bonds. Mathematical explanations that are easy to follow. With a clear layout and a range of additional resources to support your understanding of the key concepts introduced, this must-have book will help you succeed in your studies and prepare you for the real financial world. This title is supported by MyFinanceLab®, an online homework and tutorial system which can be used by students for self-directed study, or instructors who can choose to fully integrate this eLearning technology into the delivery of their course. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and?MyLab?Accounting search for: 9781292169415 Corporate Financial Management, 6th Edition with MyFinanceLab®. Package consists of:? 9781292140445 Corporate Financial Management, 6th Edition 9781292169392 Corporate Financial Management, 6th Edition MyFinanceLab®? 9781292169385 Corporate Financial Management, 6th Edition?Pearson?eText MyFinanceLab® is not included. Students, if MyFinanceLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyFinanceLab®should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.