Litigation Services Handbook (eBook)

Litigation Services Handbook (eBook)

L. Weil Roman G. Lentz Daniel A. Evans Elizabeth 
L. Weil Roman G. Lentz Daniel A. Evans Elizabeth 
€ 189,99
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€ 189,99
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Wiley
Codice EAN: 9781119363187
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
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The comprehensive "bible" for financial experts providing litigation support The Litigation Services Handbook is the definitive guide for financial experts engaged in litigation services. Attorneys require financial experts now more than ever, and this book provides the guidance you need to provide a high level of service as witness and consultant. Enhance your litigation skills as you delve into the fine points of trial preparation, deposition, and testimony; project authority under examination, and hold up to tough questions under cross-examination. Fraud investigations are a major component of litigation support services, and this book delves deep into Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and other relevant topics to give you a foundational understanding of how these cases are prosecuted, and your role as the financial services expert. This updated sixth edition includes new coverage of technology's role in the financial expert's practice, and the focus on investigations provides practical insight from leading experts in the field. From the process itself to proving damages, this indispensable reference covers all aspects of litigation services. Providing litigation support requires more than just your financial expertise; you also need a working knowledge of relevant case law, and a deep understanding of both the litigation process and the finer points of courtroom appearances. This book provides the insight and perspective you need to provide superior service to attorneys and their clients. Understand your role in trial preparation and testimony presentation Provide authoritative responses to direct and cross examination Examine and analyze Sarbanes-Oxley rulings Lend financial expertise to fraud investigations The growing demand for financial expert litigation services has created a niche market for CPAs, creating a lucrative opportunity for qualified accountants who also possess the specialized knowledge the role requires. The Litigation Services Handbook is THE essential guide for anyone involved in financial litigation.