Aquavit (eBook)

Aquavit (eBook)

Karen Stensgaard
Karen Stensgaard
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Sandefur Metz Publishing Company
Collana: The Aquamarine Sea Series
Codice EAN: 9780999219713
Anno pubblicazione: 2024
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With the help of some Scandinavian aquavit, a restless businesswoman finds a bucket-list worthy voyage, but continual setbacks and bad omens try to stop her! After a traumatic night, American businesswoman Kat Jensen de-stresses with shots of Scandinavian aquavit known as 'water of life' liquor. With her audit consulting business closing and nothing keeping her at home in New York City, Kat has a few months before starting another job search. She decides to do something special - a cruise onboard an old clipper sailing ship pictured on an aquavit bottle. Despite finding a fantastic voyage and itinerary, Kat is forced to resolve continual issues while juggling dates with three men. After arriving in Copenhagen, Denmark, for the ship's scheduled departure, scary omens, shocking confessions, and worries threaten all her plans. AQUAVIT features a resilient businesswoman determined to go on an unforgettable adventure on her dream ship. This novel is the first book in a series and isn't over yet! What readers are saying: Intoxicating Best book I've read in years Adventuresome and fun Lots of twists and turns Imaginative, held my interest, easy read The only disappointment was that the book ended "This book is extremely well written. The character development is excellent, dialogue is believable, and descriptions of settings are thorough and quite vivid. The plot is intriguing, and the pace is satisfying in that the reader wants to keep turning the pages. The author makes the reader care about the characters, which is no easy feat." Independent Judge, 4 Star Review, 5th Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published eBook Award "Aquavit is a novel that will touch the hearts of anyone who reads it. Kat is a woman who misses the comfort zone she had with her husband. She has an urge to break out of her standard routine and try something new. The character development and scenes are impressive and well planned. Karen Stensgaard shows her writing strength in all areas of this beautiful, exciting story and the excerpt from Blueness, Book Two. The Aquamarine Sea Series is filled with romance, adventure, and a bit of danger to hold your interest."5 Star Review, Michelle Stanley, Readers' Favorite "After completely hooking us on Kat's battles with her suitors and hints of complications once Kat is on her voyage, author Karen Stensgaard leaves readers dying to know what happens with Kat, the clipper trip, and the men she leaves behind. The author gives us a taste of what's to come in the second book, Blueness, at the end of Aquavit. This sequel is already available on Amazon. But you know what I have to do before I get into that one? I've got to buy some Aquavit! There must be something in that drink besides the photo of the clipper ship on the label that got Kat so excited about sailing on an old 1860s boat! Such a refreshing change to read a unique book like this! Delightful." 5 Star Review, Viga Boland, Readers' Favorite "An interesting story that explores travel and one woman's struggle with her choices, especially when it comes to where she wants to be and whom she wants to be with. The author explores the internal fears and preoccupations of the protagonist brilliantly and allows readers to feel the vagaries of her heart and inner world. Aquavit has an international setting that is clearly depicted in the beautiful descriptions. I enjoyed the well-crafted dialogues, the richly developed characters, and the realism that permeates the narrative." 5 Star Review, Romuald Dzemo, Readers' Favorite