Stand Tall: A Journey From Boy to Man to Master (eBook)

Stand Tall: A Journey From Boy to Man to Master (eBook)

Andy Dickinson
Andy Dickinson
€ 6,49
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€ 6,49
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Compatibilità: Tutti i dispositivi
Lingua: en
Editore: Andrew Dickinson
Codice EAN: 9780648435013
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
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Growing up with fear and shame as constant companions, Andy Dickinson knows firsthand the struggles of life and finding meaning in the midst of it all. When faced with insurmountable difficulties and incredible odds stacked against him, he simply wouldn't give up and kept going when others quit. A challenging childhood with strenuous relationships set him on a journey to discover the questions about the nature of our existence, the unspoken longings of every person's heart. Andy started a journey to answer deeper questions like 'Who am I' and 'What is my purpose?' which resonate with everyone not satisfied with what life has on offer. A true Aussie and a fighter at heart, Andy discovered the martial arts at the age of 17 which became a vehicle for not only learning to fight but also the development of his spirit. His relentless pursuit of becoming one of the best in martial arts took him all over the globe. His martial arts career saw him travel from Australia to the United States, South Korea, Thailand, the Philippines and many other countries to perfect his skills. However, his focus was always on training for a greater purpose and gaining a greater understanding of himself. The highlight was his time spent in Japan, a country he had been fascinated with as a child, to find a new depth of martial arts. The power of the lessons he learned there continue to shape Andy's life today. In fact, it was the turning point of his life. Each experience taught him a new lesson which Andy uses to pass on an important life skill which has profound meaning and carries importance for everyone wanting to learn the true meaning of life. When Andy was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease he used his rich life experience to turn this dreadful diagnosis into something to learn and grow from. He refused to let his life be characterised and overshadowed by this chronic and progressive neurological disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Instead, Andy has chosen to approach his disease as yet another challenge in life which he faces head on. He regards Parkinson's as just a part of a bigger picture of his life where his diagnosis, though potentially devastating, set him free and enabled him to finally live his life. Andy's motto is that if you face your challenges head on, regardless of the outcome, you can always stand tall. This book is a message of hope, love and peace showing that no matter what we are faced with in life, living your truth will guide you to a deeper understanding of who you are and, ultimately, peace.