The Rose Daughter (eBook)

The Rose Daughter (eBook)

Maria Lewis
Maria Lewis
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Cloud: Scopri di più
Lingua: en
Editore: Piatkus
Codice EAN: 9780349427225
Anno pubblicazione: 2021
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'Maria Lewis is a must-read' BUZZFEED 'Weaves magic into each page' THE NERD DAILY 'Author Maria Lewis has created her own pop culture universe' DAILY TELEGRAPH _________________ She never meant to be a hero . . . In fact, Dreckly Jones has made a point her whole life to be exactly not that. The daughter of a forbidden union between an earth elemental and a selkie, her rare powers have meant she has always had a target on her back. So Dreckly - a 40-something oyster shucker according to her fake documents, 140-something sprite if you're going to get all nit-picky about it - has become an expert at many things. Chief amongst them: hiding. When she meets a determined group of rebels who desperately need her help, she finds herself wanting to stick her neck out for the first time in a long while. Yet is she ready to be noticed? Is Dreckly willing to use her powers to stand up when it could cost her everything? ___________________________ Praise for Who's Afraid Too? (Nominee - Best Horror Novel, Aurealis Awards) 'Feminist werewolf antics [and] good old fashioned sex. More books please!' Natalia Tena (Harry Potter, Game Of Thrones) 'Being curled up in a werewolf fantasy is a respite and a haven!' Teri Hatcher (Lois & Clark, Desperate Housewives) 'Maria Lewis is definitely one to watch' NY Times best-selling author Darynda Jones 'A fresh, funny, sexy & downright sassy take on the werewolf genre' Geek Bomb Praise for The Witch Who Courted Death (Winner - Best Fantasy Novel, Aurealis Awards) '[Takes] a fresh look at the things that make us scream' The West Australian 'An unashamedly feminist story about a woman out for revenge' Readings Praise for The Wailing Woman (Nominee - Best Fantasy Novel, Aurealis Awards) 'World-building at its finest' The Nerd Daily 'An absolute master of the genre' Bookish Bron 'An excellent urban fantasy novel . . . magic, intrigue and romance**'** Canberra Weekly 'Suspenseful and fantastical' Her HQ 'Journalist Maria Lewis grabs the paranormal fiction genre by the scruff of its neck and gives it a shake' The West Australian 'Truly one of the best in the genre I have ever read' Oscar-nominee Lexi Alexander 'An intriguing take on a classic monster with vibrant, modern characters' Sci Fi Bulletin