The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time (eBook)

The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time (eBook)

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Lingua: en
Traduttore: J. Hogarth C.; F. Hapgood Isabel; Henley Samuel
Editore: Good Press
Codice EAN: 8596547780335
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
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The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time is an unparalleled collection that gathers the quintessential works of Gothic literature, spanning over two centuries of literary evolution. From the eerie landscapes of the Brontës' moors to the haunted corridors of Poe's imagination, this anthology showcases the broad spectrum of themes and styles inherent in Gothic literature. It includes celebrated tales of horror, romance, and psychological suspense, highlighting the diversity and depth of a genre that has captivated readers and influenced writers across the globe. Standout pieces include seminal works like Mary Shelley's groundbreaking 'Frankenstein' and the haunting narratives of Edgar Allan Poe, offering glimpses into the darkest corners of the human psyche. The contributing authors, a veritable who's who of literary giants from the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries, bring a rich assortment of cultural and philosophical perspectives to the collection. Figures such as Oscar Wilde and Nathaniel Hawthorne provide insights into the moral and societal anxieties of their times, reflecting Gothic literature's capacity to explore themes of identity, madness, and the supernatural within the context of rapidly changing societies. The inclusion of lesser-known authors alongside canonical figures offers a comprehensive understanding of the genre's development and its pervasive influence on Western literary tradition. This anthology is a must-read for both aficionados of Gothic literature and newcomers to the genre. Offering an unmatched opportunity to engage with the masterworks of Gothic fiction, readers will discover the eerie allure and profound insights that Gothic stories provide. The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time invites a journey into the hauntingly beautiful and profoundly unsettling realms crafted by some of literature's greatest minds. It is an essential collection for anyone eager to explore the depths of human emotion, the complexities of societal norms, and the enduring appeal of the Gothic imagination.